Wed 10 November 2021 | 20:29

Call of Duty: Cold War Tips & Tricks for Professionals

Been playing for some time now and now you’re looking for more advanced tips to give you an advantage over your opponents? In this post, we’ll try to give you the most useful pro techniques.

These strategies will help you improve in Black Ops Cold War, whether you're totally new to Call of Duty or have some experience.

With Call of Duty being one of the most popular video game titles, many players have dedicated time to becoming the best. The most obvious way to improve is to play the game as much as possible.

However, you can make the most of your time in the game and improve faster than others with the help of these Multiplayer Tips and Tricks.

The game was released on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X and S on November 13, 2020.

It is the sixth sequel in the Black Ops franchise and the seventeenth overall in the Call of Duty series. Since 2011's Modern Warfare 3, this is the second Call of Duty game to be co-developed by two studios.


you can also read our beginner's guide for this game.

Call of Duty: Cold War Tips & Tricks for Professionals

Below you will find 10 Pro Tips For Call Of Duty that will definitely help you get better, having a better chance at winning.


One of the oldest pro FPS methods is to perform a jump challenge. It can be utilized to catch pushing players off guard by hopping around corners.

The jump challenge accomplishes two goals. The element of surprise is the first.

Rather than slowly peeking around a corner or just passing through a door, jumping forces opponents to adjust their aim, one of the Call of Duty: Cold War Tips & Tricks for Professionals.

A moving target is more difficult to hit than a stationary one.

The three following principles are incorporated in a skilled jump challenge: Perpendicular to the opponent's sightline, sprint.

ADS toward the enemy and jump. Tap jump (bunny hop) and fire.

Use Hip Fire

Hip firing to ADS is the sole option when utilizing a weapon that isn't designed for close-range combat. Otherwise, due to faster ADS and/or hip fire spread, an opponent will win the gunfight.

As soon as an opponent is within close range, fire hip fire, and ADS into the enemy's chest.

This gives gamers who are taken off guard a fighting chance in AR/LMG vs SMG battles, one of the Call of Duty: Cold War Tips & Tricks for Professionals.

To be even more evasive and increase your chances of winning the engagement, throw in a drop shot or slide.


Head glitching is one of the most fundamental strategies employed by players of all skill levels.

Players will gain a significant positioning advantage by finding peek places when only the character's head is visible.

When using a sniper in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, this is particularly the case.

People who maintain cover while pushing contested positions will have more success in multiplayer.

Shooting 16 pixels is much more difficult than shooting a whole character model.

While playing a specific map, look for ideal areas and remember the finest spots based on the objectives and sightlines.

Move around

Every professional Call of Duty player understands that relocating is one of the most crucial things someone can do to keep their kill streak going.

Opposing players will shout out enemy locations in a competitive encounter. After slaying the first opponent, rotate or peek at a new angle.

The second player will concentrate on the spots where the teammate died, and the individual who switches positions will ultimately win, one of the

Call of Duty: Cold War Tips & Tricks for Professionals.

If there are numerous opposing players moving in, re-peeking with a jump challenge is another alternative.

Aim Beforehand

Pre-firing is required if an enemy player is detected or if a team has a UAV. At all times, though, each team member should be pre-aiming common sightlines and contested regions.

Every weapon's ADS animation takes at least a fraction of a second.

Even against top-level players, a split second is enough of a buffer to win any gunfight. Everyone in the lobby will have an above-average aim in league games.

Movement and well-timed pre-aims can compensate for a few missed shots, one of the Multiplayer Tips and Tricks.

Memorize the Peek Spots

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it's vital nonetheless. Repetition is essential to improve at anything. On maps they are unfamiliar with, even elite-level players can be outflanked.

Knowing the map's sightlines and common peek spots will offer the average player an advantage over those who are less familiar with it.

Every death and every match should be viewed as a learning opportunity.

Keeping a mental log of all the possible places an enemy could show up will make anyone a better gamer over time, one of the most crucial Call of Duty: Cold War Tips & Tricks for Professionals.

You'll slowly master the various routes, spawns, power positions, and flanks as you play the numerous maps in Black Ops Cold War. If an opponent player has consistently killed you from the same location, return to that spot the next time you play that map.

If you flanked that player and got the kill, remember to flank from the same direction you flanked from. Pay attention to the mini-map as well. Keep an eye on your teammates to see where they are dying and where they are.

Either avoid the area or take a different route to try to catch the enemy off guard. If your team spawns on one side of the map, the opponent team will almost certainly spawn on the opposite side.

Move Faster with This Technique

During the early alpha and beta stages, Sliding in Cold War took a few hits, but it's since been patched up a bit.

Even so, it's still incredibly efficient at making opponents difficult to pinpoint during a fight.

Those who have been accustomed to this mechanic will take full advantage of it, at least until a balanced patch is released to address the problem.

In the meantime, gamers can learn how to "slide cancel," a strategy that takes advantage of a flaw in the game's animation.

Double-tap a slide to activate it, then cancel the movement right away. This causes the character to move faster and become more difficult to hit, one of the

10 Pro Tips For Call Of Duty.

Enjoy it while you can, since it'll be nerfed from a hundred yards out before you know it.

Using Attachments

Choosing the proper attachment for a specific style of play can be significantly more beneficial than accumulating as many as possible.

It's up to the player to determine what they're willing to give up in exchange for a specialty add-on, but it could assist them to turn the tide of a battle by allowing them to overcome weaknesses.

Choosing the Cavalry Lancer barrel, for example, will restrict the user from adding add-ons like recoil dampeners, but that cost is more than acceptable while fighting heavy vehicles.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, like the previous Call of Duty games, promotes experimentation with load-out perks.

Think Befoe Making a Move

COD games are renowned for being incredibly fast-paced, which means charging into the kill zone only to get slaughtered, then respawning to repeat the process.

Instead of thinking like an action movie hero, players in Cold War must think tactically, one of the

Multiplayer Tips and Tricks.

That involves creeping forward, making use of cover, considering the right perks, and devising a slow-and-steady strategy to avoid wasteful deaths and bigger scores for the opposing team.

No Camping Here

For better or worse, camping has always been a part of multiplayer games, but Treyarch has inserted a feature into Call of Duty: Cold War that makes camping a no-go for many players.

In order to benefit from the Ghost Perk's non-detection bonus, players must be mobile when they move, one of the Call of Duty: Cold War Tips & Tricks for Professionals.

Camping down with it turned on isn't going to help anyone, and it will make gamers visible to UAVs.

This helps to shake things up by identifying campers who have lost their incentive.

Play with Bots

In Call of Duty, aiming and mobility are two of the most crucial aspects. You must not only hit your bullets, but you must also be a difficult target for enemies to shoot.

Custom games with bots are the best way to improve your aim and movement, one of the Call of Duty: Cold War Tips & Tricks for Professionals.

Remove the scoring and time restriction from a custom free-for-all game with bots set to the lowest difficulty.

They're unlikely to engage, offering you a stress-free environment in which to practice as much as you need.

Put some music on and run over the map, firing the bots from a variety of distances and places. Your aim will improve quickly.

You should also practice movement skills like jump shots and ducking in and out of cover that you've seen the pros do.

To observe a significant improvement in your skills, practice these strategies against bots and then apply them to online battles.

Take Advantage of the Meta Weapons

Players will judge you for using meta weaponry in

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

, but it's pointless to use weapons that put you at a disadvantage if you're attempting to better your game.

It won't help you progress if you use the wrong weapon and are continually slain by the finest guns.

Sometimes there's nothing you can do when your opponent is carrying a far superior weapon.

At the moment, the MP5, FFR, and burst-fire rifles will give you the best chance of succeeding.

Try playing with some off-meta weapons if you've gained confidence and can consistently perform well.

You never know, maybe you'll discover a new favorite.

Watch Others Play

Learn from the skills and tactics of professional gamers and experienced content creators.

However, don't make comparisons to these folks. They've spent many hours developing their shooting skills, so they'll be far superior to the typical player.

And that's perfectly fine. You won't be able to duplicate their aim, but you can attempt to imitate anything else.

Keep an eye on what they're doing and try to incorporate some of their strategies into your own game.

Observe how they inspect rooms before entering and try to avoid having firefights in the open, one of the

Call of Duty: Cold War Tips & Tricks for Professionals.

Keep an eye on their map positioning and how they plan to avoid disadvantageous engagements.

Have Fun

The most essential thing to remember is to have fun!

If you're having a bad game, get it out of your mind. Don't obsessively examine your game and point out little flaws.

Pay attention to areas where you can improve, but don't be too hard on yourself.

Expecting too much of yourself will detract from the enjoyment and lead to burnout, one of the 10 Pro Tips For Call Of Duty.

Don't compare yourself to professional players or content creators. Maintain a close eye on your personal growth, even if your K/D isn't regarded as top-notch.

Just make sure you're better than your prior self if you're actively attempting to improve.

Fireteam: Dirty Bomb Tips

Get the upper hand on your opponents with these suggestions from Treyarch's Lead Designer, Matt Scronce. Plan your attack intelligently during infill.

The map will be less chaotic with Dirty Bombs around the perimeter, but you'll have to scavenge more for Uranium and other stuff because there will be fewer enemies to kill and scavenge from.

Planting the charge on a Dirty Bomb for detonation only takes one teammate, however the time it takes to arm the bomb decreases with each teammate nearby.

On their Heads up Display, each player assisting with the bomb will show a progress bar with a number of how many teammates are helping with the bomb.

To guarantee that your Fireteam receives the detonation score for which you fought, huddle up and defend the player who is arming the bomb.

Several sets of Dirty Bombs will be revealed throughout the game. 

There will be a short amount of time after the first set of bombs has been detonated and taken offline before a completely fresh set of bombs is brought online.

During the interval between sets, scavenge for Uranium, Armor Plates, Scorestreaks, and other items.

Your loadout is essential to succeed. You'll need Perks like Flak Jacket or a Trophy System Field Upgrade to survive incoming explosives if you plan on performing the objective and being the one to arm the bombs, one of the Call of Duty: Cold War Tips & Tricks for Professionals.

Some teammates will work on intelligence gathering using Cold War gadgetry like the Field Mic Field Upgrade to keep an eye out for nearby opponents, while others will focus on destroying vehicles with Perks like Engineer and Cold-Blooded and Weapons like the Cigma 2 Launcher.

Change Some Settings

Let's start by tweaking your settings, as even minor changes can have a significant impact on how you play Cold War multiplayer.

A Field of View Slider has been implemented at long last! Players can modify their Field of View on consoles for the first time in Call of Duty history.

Keep in mind that the higher you set the bar on the FOV slider in the settings, the more FPS you'll lose. While this is purely a matter of taste, we found that placing the slider between 100 and 105 was a good balance.

Next, make sure Motion Blur is turned off, as it causes your environment and weapon to get a little blurry. You'll find it much more difficult to see what's going on if you enable the setting.

Hearing your opponents is vital, so if you're having trouble hearing them, try setting your Audio Presets to High Boost.

This will increase the volume of enemy footsteps. Enabling Slowdown and Strafing Aim Assist can help you become more accurate and, as a result, land more kills, one of the

Call of Duty: Cold War Tips & Tricks for Professionals.

But don't be fooled: the game won't automatically aim for you; you'll still have to do most of the aiming yourself.

Finally, you'd be shocked how big of a difference a minor change can make in your gaming experience.

As previously said, these are all personal preferences, although most streamers and professional players will set their sensitivity to somewhere between 8 and 12.

Communicate to Each other

In Call of Duty, communicating with your teammates is important, especially as you face increasingly difficult and experienced opponents, one of the Call of Duty: Cold War Tips & Tricks for Professionals.

This is why all of Cold War's multiplayer modes feature the popular Ping system.

You can ping objectives, loot, locations, and enemies for your teammates using the locational Ping system.

Ping is assigned to the Left D-Pad on controllers and Z on keyboards by default.

Double-tap Ping to set a separate Danger Ping for tapping an enemy's location or trap.

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