Wed 16 February 2022 | 7:31

The top five Premier League strikers ever for goals per minute

The top five Premier League strikers ever for goals per minute

The Premier League has been going for

well over 25 years now

and in that time, there have been some incredible strikers. While scoring a huge number of goals is always an important aspect for a top striker, one metric that doesn’t always get mentioned is how many goals they have scored per minute they’ve played. It is the best statistic to use when working out which strikers are the most effective in the history of the league. For the ultimate run down, we’ve looked at the top five strikers for this metric up until December 2021. Read on for our list of the best goals per minute strikers in the history of the Premier League.

5. Harry Kane

If there’s one thing that Harry Kane has been known for over the last few seasons, it’s scoring a ton of goals. He’s scored more than 20 goals in five of the last seven seasons and despite a slow start this season he has still managed to crack the top five. In fact, he’s such a consistent goal scorer that

his odds on betting apps

are regularly some of the best around.

Although his goal scoring has been at a lower rate this season than in past years, his quality will shine through and bring his tally up to speed as the season continues. Harry Kane has a number of years left in him and could easily improve his goals per minute rate in the future. It currently gives him a ratio of 128 minutes per goal.

4. Ruud van Nistelrooy

Van Nistelrooy is one of the greatest strikers in the history of the Premier League. He was a big reason for Man United having such a sustained period of success during the early 2000s. He was, to put it simply, a goal scoring machine. While van Nistelrooy rarely scored goals from outside of the box, he was a menace inside the box. He might not have been as high quality in terms of his link up play, but it’s hard to argue with the pure goal scoring ability that he had.

He’ll go down as one of the best finishers that the Premier League has ever seen. The fact he never made it to 100 goals

is a travesty

, but if he hadn’t fallen out with management then he would likely be higher up this list. His record stands at one goal every 128 minutes.

3. Mo Salah

Mo Salah has been a revelation

since he came to the Premier League. Well, that might not be completely true. He has been a revelation since he came back to the Premier League with Liverpool. The fact he wasn’t so successful during his first spell at Chelsea is what makes his high position on this list so impressive.

Salah with Liverpool has been one of the most dangerous finishers in the league. He’s regularly scored a huge number of goals each season and it’s not just his goal scoring that makes him so impressive. His dribbling is among the best around and he combines this with rapid pace. He’s also a top-level creator and is able to put assists on a plate for those around him. Without a doubt, Mo Salah is one of the best forward players in Premier League history. His record of a goal every 127 minutes puts him slightly ahead of Kane and van Nistelrooy.

In fact, Salah’s ability to both score goals and create for others could make him the best all-around forward in Premier League history, if it wasn’t for the next player.

2. Thierry Henry

Henry is without a doubt one of the most feared strikers in the history of the game. His record of a goal every 122 minutes is a legend within the league. His goal scoring rate makes him the second fastest goal scorer in Premier League history, which is enough to blow people’s minds on its own. That’s not the only thing that makes it so impressive though. Henry managed to score these goals while also creating goals for other players around him. In fact, Henry managed to set a record for the number of assists in a single season with 20, which still hasn’t been broken to this day. This impressive goals per minute ratio is made even more spectacular when considering him coming back for a second spell when both he and Arsenal were past their peak.

Henry helped Arsenal to be one of the dominant forces in the English game. Even though they’re still a big club, they haven’t managed to reach those heights again. Despite having

signed – and lost

– top strikers since, no-one has been able fill his shoes in the years since he left Arsenal for good. Henry will forever be considered one of the most prolific striker in the history of the Premier League.

1. Sergio Aguero

What is there to say about Aguero that hasn’t already been said? He was the starring man of possibly the most iconic moment in Premier League history - when his winning goal helped Man City to the title. It’s not just his goals in big games though, Aguero has a frankly astounding rate of scoring. It was a genuine shame that he had to retire this past summer, especially as his move to Barcelona could have helped the club make their way back to the top.

He’s been a hugely impressive forward for the entire time he has been in the Premier League and his goal scoring rate is

unlikely to ever be broken

. He’s managed to score a goal every 108 minutes in the league. When you consider his assists, he has a goal contribution almost every 90 minutes. He’s not quite on the level of Henry as a creator, but when it comes to scoring goals Aguero is in a class of his own.

source: SportMob

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