Wed 07 July 2021 | 17:22

Premier League stadiums could operate at full capacity for next season

The UK has decided to put an end to all the lockdown restrictions which could provide a huge boost to the football clubs and the UK Sports Minister has said that he is "very comfortable" with stadiums operating at full capacity for the next season.

Since March last year, UK football clubs have been playing with either no fans or restricted numbers, however, according to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the UK has decided to put an end to all the lockdown restrictions from July 19 which could provide a huge boost to the football clubs.

Sports Minister

Nigel Huddleston

believes the vaccination rollout has played an important role in moving towards normality and is “very comfortable” with

Premier League

stadiums operating at full capacity for the new season.

When he was asked about operating at full capacity, he told

Sky Sports News


"I am very comfortable with it.

"I'm comfortable with it because a vast majority of the British public will be vaccinated and that will make a huge difference.

"It doesn't mean you're immune, people still need to be sensible and if you've got symptoms don't go out, keep the tests going, and if you get pinged you have to self-isolate.

"So we've still got certain systems and precautions in place to minimize the risks that are out there. But we have got to the stage where, given the incredible sacrifices that everybody in the country has made, it's time now to start getting back to life a little bit more normal.

"As the Prime Minister said, 'If we can't open now when we've had such success in the vaccination program, when can we?’

"We need people to get out and about, we need sporting events to start going, not only because they lift the mood of the nation but they employ hundreds of thousands of people and are major economic contributors to the British economy.

"The NHS, our schools, our roads - they only get paid for because of taxes paid by economic activity and we need to get the economy moving again and people need their freedoms back as well.

"We've had restrictions out of necessity over the last few months and year, but it is absolutely time now to bank the benefits because of the sacrifices made and the huge success of the vaccination program."

source: SportMob

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