Fri 23 October 2020 | 11:53

Tottenham as praised by Mourinho

The Portuguese coach applauds his players’ game against LASK.

Though he made several changes to his team,


was able to gain a beautiful victory against


in their first Europa League match.



coach praised his players’ performance since they were able to score two goals in the early minutes of the game to eventually seal the match with a three-goal victory.

According to Mourinho though making changes could have been risky to the team he still believed in his players. And as told by him there could have been more goals to score but the absence of supporters may have had some part in this matter. Yet he confirmed that what was more important than the goals themselves was their win of three essential points.

Mourinho stated that last year he had a lot of problems with not having strikers or wingers to play in some periods of the season, but now the problems are long gone and they are no more a concern on his side.


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source: SportMob

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