Wed 27 January 2021 | 16:30

Napoli history-All about the club

S.S.C. Napoli, which stands for Società Sportiva Calcio Napoli, is an Italian professional football club that was first founded in 1926 in Naples, Italy. Read on to find out more about Napoli history.

Napoli history

stretches even longer back to 1905 by the English sailor William Poths. He was a special key in


history, a really important role that brought love and enthusiamsm to the work of establishing one of the greatest football clubs in Europe.

After he arrived from England, Poths formed a team including his own associate and a number of Neapolitans such as Catterina, Conforti and Amedeo Salsi who later became the club’s first president ever in Napoli history.

Their first match was against the English Football Club, Arabik, which was a 3-2 win for Napoli.

Lots of switches in the names happen in Napoli history. In fact, the final formation of Napoli was actually a longer process, because after a while the first and original team, also known as Naples FBC, lost some of the players whom later went on to create the second form of the team in 1912 called US Internazionale Napoli.

They even became opponents and at Italian Championship in 1912-13 played against each other. But again due to financial problems these two teams finally merged which led to the birth of FBC Internazionale-naples (or generally known as FBC Internaples) in 1922. But then again they changed the name of the club to Associazione Calcio Napoli in 1926.

The followings are all you need to know about Napoli history:

As an associate member of the European Club, Napoli have a long and rich history. 

An Overview of Napoli history

The first years of Napoli were indeed tough and contained a lot of highs and lows. After a while because of Attila Sallustro, one of the best goal-scorer ever in

Napoli history

, this team entered

Serie A

. But again with the approaching of World War II hard times once again overshadowed the victory and majesty of Napoli and this team was relegated to

Serie B

in 1942. This situation continued a few years after the war but once more Napoli entered Serie A which didn’t last long enough due to the bribery scandal.

But surely good things and promotion was awaiting the team when in 1961 they won the

Coppa Italia

which is an Italian League Cup. It is considered to be one of the first awards in

Napoli trophies history

. This success was a result of defeating Società Polisportiva Ars et Labor (abbreviated to



Finally in 1964 the last switch in thw names happens and this football club becomes the worldwide known Società Sportiva Calcio Napoli (or commonly accepted as S.S.C Napoli). It was a new beginning or literally a rebirth in Napoli history. Gradually they grew stronger than ever and made brilliant victories and success in the S.S.C Napoli history.

Napoli trophies history

After defeating


, the club owned their second Coppa Italia in 1975 and only one year later by beating

Southampton Football Club

they entered UEFA Cup Winners' Cup and they even made it to semi-finals but only a few steps away from winning the UEFA Cup, they lost to



In addition to Napoli champion league history, the fact that Napoli has won Serie A twice up until now should also be included.

However, in 1984 a new chapter in S.S.C. Napoli history starts with the expensive transference of Diego Armando Maradona from

Barcelona football club

to Napoli that cost the club €12 million. Diego Maradona was a treasure to Napoli. It was obvious how Napoli trophies history is going to change after him. He was a symbol of victory and Napoli actually does owe its glorious days to Maradona. He was not only a player to his fans, he was also beyond important in so many people’s lives that they gave him a nickname “God Diego” and after that, all around the world people would walk around talking to each other about Maradona and calling him by this name. It was more than just a compliment and people would actually think about him as one of the

Napoli honors

. He was indeed an honor.

Diego didn’t only give more light and popularity to the club, he also gave them power and strength, the exact thing that Napoli needed the most in those times. As an example in season 1986-87 after winning the double, they defeated Atlanta. It was a 4-0 win. This brilliant victory led to another one in

Napoli champion league history

which was winning the third Coppa Italia. Also it should be noted that Napoli won Scudetto (the Italian championship) twice; once in 1986-87 season and the last one in 1989-90.

Napoli once again made it to the UEFA Cup in season 1988-89 and after beating

VfB Stuttgart

5-4 they won the cup. It was a really huge step for Napoli which changed Napoli champion league history once and for always. In addition to that, this delightful event made Maradona much more admired by people in general. He became an icon and this wasn’t only about football, people believed in Maradona so much that somehow it was some sort of culture or religion to them.

But Napoli wasn’t limited to only Diego Maradona, but also with Careca as the Brazilian forward and Bruno Giordano, who was also another forward, they created the miraculous and the astonishing front line named as “Ma-Gi-Ca”. Yes, another Napoli honor was just represented!

However, after a positive test of cocaine from Maradona he was banned from playing for 15 months. Also he was found disqualified for playing in Napoli ever again. But for a while, this tragic event didn’t stop Napoli from glowing. They won the Supercoppa Italiana in the season 1990-91. But alas it wasn’t a long lasting victory, for there was a super obvious change in the club which caused Napoli to go into a decline. So many excellent players were removed from the club.

In 2004 things went really crazy and rough, there was financial problems due to the bankruptcy that the owner company of Napoli was declared for. But finally thanks to the Italian film producer, Aurelio De Laurentiis, the club was saved under the name of Napoli Soccer.

After all the challenging events that happened, Napoli gained its old name again and continued playing and even winning more Coppa Italia in the following seasons: 2011-12, 2013-14 and 2019-20. And finally in 2020 after the passing away of Maradona the club renamed the San Paolo stadium after one of the absolute Napoli honors, this shining star.

Napoli management history

Napoli management history is quite rich and also flexible. It has been blessed with so many worthy and competent managers who would actually care about what’s going on within the club. But in general, all the managers would be replaced after only a short period of time due to various reasons and excuses. From the start until now, Napoli has had 62 mangers and out of this number, only 17 of them are non-Italian. Starting with the Australian manager, Anton Kreutzer, who joined the team in 1926 and stayed with Napoli for nearly one year. He is the first person on the list of Napoli management history.

To mention some of the names, we can point out to Edoardo Reja (2005-2009), Roberto Donadoni (2009), Walter Mazzarri (2009-2013), Rafael Benitez (2013-2015), Maurizio Sarri (2015-2018), Carlo Ancelotti (2018-2019) and at last the current manager of Napoli, Gennaro Gattuso, who joined the team in December 2019.

Napoli rivalries history

Napoli rivalries history includes




, Milan. Napoli has a long history with these three giant teams in Italy. Sometimes things would get pretty much complicated in the stadiums and specially between the fans. Consequences of these kind of relationships between the teams and the fans are not always so appealing and delightful.

In fact, sometimes they would reach a level of banning fans from traveling along with their respective teams. The truth is the southern part of Italy always shows some kind of signs which represent tension when it comes to the topic of its relationship with the rest of the country. It is said that the southern side of the country is always angry because the whole nation looks down on them with some sort of arrogance.

So we can quite be sure that

Napoli rivalries history

is based on some cultural issues between the cities and of course the other teams.

Napoli stadiums

The team has been playing at the San Paolo Stadium since 1959. However, after the death of Diego Armando Maradona in December 2020, the brightest star in

SSC Napoli history

, the stadium has been renamed to Stadio Diego Armando Maradona. The stadiums is located on western Fuorigrotta, one of Naples’ southern suburbs and it is said to be the 3rd largest stadiums in Italy.

In 1960 for Summer Olympics in Rome, the football preliminaries was being hosted by

Napoli stadium


In 1990 Napoli stadium had the honor of holding

FIFA World Cup

games for 5 matches. The first two was related to


playing against Soviet Union and


. Cameroon played the next two against




. And last game was


against Argentina which was a controversial match because Diego Maradona played in that game and when he asked the audience to welcome and cheer Argentina, people wrote in their flags “Maradona, Naples loves you, but Italy is our homeland.”

So because of the World Cup games in 1989, they had to renovate the whole stadium thoroughly and make enormous changes. Twenty eight years later, in 2018, Stadio Diego Armando Maradona once more was announced to hold the World Cup games.

The Stadio Diego Armando Maradona can take in over 60,200 spectators.

Napoli kit history

Of course kits are important aspects of the personality of a football club, kits are more like signatures, we identify our favorite teams by the way they’re dressed like and so many other factors that give aesthetic, color, variation and bold the cultural aspect of a football club. We can say in Napoli kit history, the blue color has the dominant spot. Actually when the club was first established they decided that pale blue and dark blue stripes would be the best option for the jerseys.

So many different brands and companies have worked with Napoli to design the best kits in Napoli kit history. To mention some of the names we can point out to Nike, Kappa, Ennere, Macron, Umbro and so forth. But in

Napoli jersey history

, it is said that the number one jersey in a top ten best designs is the one that the team wore in the season when they won their first UEFA Cup, 1988-89.

Well another reasonable explanation that highlights this design as the best fashion in Napoli jersey history is the fact that also Maradona wore it! It was a plain blue shirt with white shorts, so simple, so smart yet astounding and lovely. It was also another design by Ennere which found its way straight on the top on the list of best designs in Napoli jersey history.

Napoli badge history

Napoli logo history is pretty straightforward and not really complicated, in other words, minimalism! There are only eight designs in

Napoli logo history

and most of them are made around the same principles.

The first badge in Napoli badge history goes back to 1926. It was a blue ellipse with a white horse in the center and letters ACN all over the horse, also in white. This horse was viewed as a portrayal of Naples’ symbol which is black horse. Fun fact is that in the same year, they replaced the badges three times until 1964. In Napoli badge history, one thing for sure is obviously the dominant blue color which we previously discussed about in the kit section and somehow it can be represented as one of crucial symbols of the club.

After 1964 the design of badges circled around the minimalism, for there was only an N in the center of a blue circle. Therefore, there wasn’t any kind of radiant or glowy changes in the design of badges after 1964, only a few slight ones. So no revolutions in the Napoli logo history ever again!

Napoli mascot history

Mascots are luck bringers, they have cultural aspect. Just like signature they give characteristics and a noble specialty to any football teams. As it was said before, although the main symbol and representation of Naples city is a black horse, Napoli’s mascot is a donkey all dressed up in one of Napoli’s many jerseys rather than a black horse. This proud and smiley donkey is called “O Ciuccio”. Napoli mascot history hasn’t changed since the day the club was born. It is the first and last icon on the

Napoli mascot history list

, which is technically not a list anymore!

And at last let us all honor and remember the names of some of the greatest players in

Napoli history

: Diego Maradona (1984-1991), Marek Hamsik (2007-2019), Giuseppe Bruscolotti (1972-1988), Ciro Ferrara (1984-1994), Edison Cavani (2010-2013), Antonio Juliano (1962-1978), Attila Sallustro (1926-1937), Careca (1987-1993), Antonio Vojak (1929-1935), Moreno Ferrario (1977-1988) and of course so many other talented and brilliant players whose work and passion added nobility, glory and magnificence to one of the greatest football clubs in Europe which fans are literally crazy about. In fact, Napoli has the fourth spot on the list of largest fanbase in Italy.

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