Mon 21 June 2021 | 16:30

Wayne Rooney Quotes, a complete collection

A look back at the greatest Wayne Rooney quotes including his comments on football and the biggest stars of the game.

Wayne Rooney is an English former player who is currently working as a manager at

Derby County

. Widely considered as one of the greatest football forwards of all time, Wayne Rooney was a key player for Manchester United for more than 13 years. He wrote his name forever in the history books by becoming the record goalscorer for both the England national team and Manchester United.

During his illustrated career, Rooney won almost every major title at the club level including 5 Premier League and 1 FA Cup titles as well as the 2008 FIFA Club World Cup the 2007-08 Champions League. Rooney was a member of the England national team for almost 15 years and scored 54 goals in 120 games. 

Rooney retired from football in 2021 after scoring 369 goals in 883 games. He started his managerial career as a player-manager at Derby County. In the following article we present you with a complete collection of

Wayne Rooney quotes


Best Collection of Wayne Rooney quotes

We present football fans with the Best collection of Wayne Rooney quotes which includes his quotes about his personality and career as well as his comments on Messi and Ronaldo.

Wayne Rooney quotes about his character, childhood and personal life

Wayne Rooney was born into a family of football fans. According to himself, his whole family were diehard


fans. His younger Brother and his cousin are both professional footballers. Rooney is a family man and has been married to his wife, Silje, with whom he has been in a relationship since his teenage years, for around 13 years. The couple have had four children together, all of them boys. Boxing and Rugby are his two other favorite sports. It is certainly interesting to know more about Wayne Rooney quotes on his own personality and personal life.

Becoming a dad means you have to be a role model for your son and be someone he can look up to.

I don't think I look up to any players. Obviously you respect everyone.

Becoming a dad was the proudest moment of my life. Playing football does not even compare.

Nice to see your home fans boo you. That's what loyal support is.

When famous people come up to you it's a bit weird, but it's an honour, really, when they recognise you and want to chat to you for a bit.

Perfect partners don't exist. Perfect conditions exist for a limited time in which partnerships express themselves best.

I’m just a normal young lad who plays football.

I might have faults but I’m not a big head.

I grew up an Everton fan, my whole family is Everton fans and I grew up hating


. And that hasn’t changed.

I just hate losing and that gives you an extra determination to work harder.

Just to confirm to all my followers I have had a hair transplant. I was going bald at 25 why not.

You can learn more from the lows than the highs. The highs are great but the lows make you really look at things in a different way and want to improve. Every player will have both in their careers and I have, but what you get is that experience which is so important to perform at your best.

When you are 16 there is no fear whatsoever. As you get older you play in more important games and that is when you start thinking about what will happen if you win or lose.

I love football, I’ve never really taken an interest in anything else.

When they talk to me, people say, ‘I didn’t expect you to be how you are.

I listen to 50 Cent, Jay-Z, Stereophonics, Arctic Monkeys; also the musical Oliver – I can sing every tune.

Perfect partners don't exist. Perfect conditions exist for a limited time in which partnerships express themselves best.

I'm just a normal young lad who plays football.

If I'm staying in a hotel or I'm sleeping on my own I have the hairdryer on.

I don't normally cook, but if I did it probably would be beans, sausage, bacon and eggs. I never really get to eat that to be honest.

If we're on long-haul flights I've been known to sleep on the floor so I hear the engine.

I am not the first player to have sworn on TV and I won't be the last. Unlike others who have been caught swearing on camera, I apologized immediately. And yet I am the only person banned for swearing. That doesn't seem right.

I'm not really that bothered by appearance. I know a few players who go off doing stuff in the mirror ages before they go out to play a game, but I'm not really interested in that.

Early on in my career I had a lot of bad press about my temperament, but I was only a young lad then.

When I was about 16, I got my ball taken off me by the police for playing in the street - which is pathetic really.

I love Barbados, it's really relaxing.

The lifestyle I lead as a footballer means I am always in the spotlight.

Don't call me a Postmodern!

I like musicals and I love music.

Wayne Rooney quotes about football and his playing style

Wayne Rooney was famous for his ability to score all sorts of goals. He was a cool finisher and always looked for opportunities to score goals. He was a key member of the


national team and Manchester United for many years and showed his strong personality in many key moments of his amazing career. The followings are the

top quotes by Wayne Rooney

about football and his own playing style.

Football’s about the young players, bringing youth team players through to the first team and hopefully getting the best out of them so they can go on to play for their country.

There are many ways to grow football-wise. You go slow or are pushed to go faster, otherwise you get left behind. For me, there would be trouble in stopping learning.

Football is made up of all kinds of conflict. In a dressing room, between players, between us and the manager, between us and loads of people who don’t seem to matter. It’s constant and harsh sometimes.

The important thing is to be there, score when needed. It’s better if the goals are beautiful, better still if they are important.

I want to score in every game and win things. That’s the most important thing.

You’re trying to put yourself in that moment and trying to prepare yourself, to have a ‘memory’ before the game. I don’t know if you’d call it visualizing or dreaming, but I’ve always done it, my whole life.

Those who said I’m not an out-and-out goal-scorer are probably right. I always feel I could score more.

Nice to see your home fans boo you. That’s what loyal support is.

Everyone who watches me plays knows I am an honest player. play the game as honestly as I can. If the referee gives a penalty there is nothing you can do.

I’ve trained all my life. I’ve always been one who enjoys training so it’s not something that I think I can just stop doing. It might not be as regular but I want to keep training.

I train as hard as I can every time I train and I do extra training every day and I’ve done that since I was a young boy.

I’ll keep doing my training and I’m sure the goals will come.

When I was younger, I used to visualise myself scoring wonder goals, stuff like that.

Part of my preparation is I go and ask the kit man what colour we're wearing - if it's red top, white shorts, white socks or black socks. Then I lie in bed the night before the game and visualise myself scoring goals or doing well.

If you look at my bookings, they've gone down each season. That's something I'm trying to keep improving. On the pitch you don't want any silly bookings

I've learnt that it is important not to go over the top with aggression, because then either you are going to miss a lot of games, or you are not going to be concentrating on the game you are playing.

Diving has been in the game for years. Probably the coverage the game gets now, with all the cameras around, it gets highlighted a bit more. But it hasn't got any worse.

Some players don't like training and I've seen some players who aren't bothered if they play or not. But I want to play every game. Sometimes you have to rest in certain games, but I want to play in every game.

I love football so when I finish playing I would like to still be involved in it somehow and a ­manager would be my first choice.

I've started doing my coaching badges, I'd like to be a manager one day.

I love playing football but I am like everyone else, I hate losing and love winning.

If you don't score, and you have chances, you are disappointed. If you're not scoring the frustrations build up.

Wayne Rooney quotes on Messi and Ronaldo

In every generation, young football fans argue endlessly about who is the best player of the history of football. In our generation the debate is between

Lionel Messi

and Cristiano Ronaldo fans. Rooney played alongside Ronaldo and against Messi many times during his career and has praised both of them in his interviews. However, He believes Messi is an-together better player than Ronaldo. Here are Wayne Rooney quotes on Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, including his comments about the incident at the game against Portugal involving Ronaldo which ended with him being sent off.

Ronaldo wasn't as focused on goals when we started playing together but you could see that all he wanted was to be the best player in the world, He practised and practised and began to produce. Cristiano has become an incredible scorer and he and Messi are arguably the best two players the game has seen.

Ronaldo is ruthless in the box, a killer. But Messi will torture you before he kills you. With Messi you just get the impression he is having more fun. Those two have completely changed the game in terms of goalscoring numbers and I don't think they'll ever be matched.

It's for the same reason I loved watching Xavi and Scholes: it's the different things in Messi's game. I've talked about composure and I can't remember seeing Messi score when he has hit the ball as hard as he could. He just rolls them in, makes it so easy.

Ronaldo is ruthless in the box, a killer. But Messi will torture you before he kills you. With Messi you just get the impression he is having more fun.

Those two have completely changed the game in terms of goalscoring numbers and I don't think they'll ever be matched.

But despite my friendship with Cristiano, I'd go for Messi.

In terms of goals maybe


may have scored more than me, But if you've got Ronaldo in your team, you don't take away what he is best at and that's being fresh to go and score a goal. You don't ask him to chase people down because it will take a lot away from his game. It took away from me as well, but at the time he was more dangerous and I didn't mind doing that.

The mad thing is, Ronaldo and I aren’t supposed to be getting on. The papers decide we’re not going to work together because of an incident that happened during the World Cup

In England’s quarter-final against


, I got tangled up with their defender, Ricardo Carvalho, and accidentally stuck a boot on him. It looked bad but actually it was a total accident.

As I protested my innocence, Ronnie started waving an imaginary card around, getting in the ref’s face. The official pulled out the red and I was off.

When I walked to the tunnel, I knew I couldn’t really blame Ronaldo for what had happened because he was trying to win the game for this country. Besides, in the first half, I’d tried to get him booked for diving, so I was as bad as him really.

But moments after my card, Ronaldo started winking at the sidelines, and to people watching the game on the telly. It looked bad, like he was dead pleased about it.“All hell broke loose. Everyone immediately decided that Ronaldo and I were the best of enemies and his wink would spell trouble for United in the coming months. I knew what was in store. So, when I bumped into him in the tunnel after the game, I gave him a heads up.

Top quotes by Wayne Rooney about famous football players and teams

In this part of our article on we will have a look at the top quotes by Wayne Rooney about other football great stars and teams, including his comments on Paul Scholes, Carlos Tevez and N'Golo Kante.

On Paul Scholes:

For me, Scholesy’s the best footballer England has produced in my time. The way he controlled games, passed the ball, saw things that other players didn’t see; it was a pleasure to play with him and United was lucky to have him for so long.

On Thierry Henry:

I'd have to say Thierry Henry. From the ages of ten to 16, watching him in the Premier League was amazing and he scored all different types of goals - free-kicks, volleys, left foot, right foot. He was entertaining. He's probably the best centre-forward, I think, to play in the Premier League.

On Ruud Van Nistelroy:

Ruud was brilliant, probably still the best finisher I’ve played with, He was ruthless, like

Harry Kane

he just loves scoring. We'd win 4-0 and he'd be miserable if he didn’t score, In the second season you could see there were a few issues with Cristiano and one of them had to give and Sir Alex made the right decision in the end. At that time Ronaldo was nowhere near the level he is now, but Ruud was used to David Beckham and Ryan Giggs getting the ball down and crossing it in. Then Ronaldo came in, kept chopping back inside and Ruud grew frustrated. It was probably the right time for him to move on and then we came through as the next generation.

On Robin Van Persie:

Robin was brilliant, the first season especially, He was one of the, if not the main, reasons we won the league that year. Sir Alex made it clear he was his number one striker. He scored important goals, away at Anfield and Chelsea, the day we won the league he scored a hat-trick. It was a shame we didn't get him a bit earlier.

On Carlos Tevez:

Tevez would be my preferred partner, we suited each others games and we worked off each other, I always remember it must have been horrible for defenders to play against us because we were always in opponents' faces. People said we couldn't play together, but we hit it off, played well together and I really enjoyed it.

On N'Golo Kante:

It’s unbelievable to have a footballer who is Touré and Makelele rolled into one — and then there’s Kante’s energy. At


, you see his energy bringing a lot out of the other players.

Whenever Kanté bursts forward you’ll see two or three of them bursting forward too, not worried about leaving their positions because if the ball is turned over they know he’s going to get back in shape and break up the counter-attack. For me he is the best midfielder in the world.

On Jamie Vardy:

One man I wish was in Gareth’s [Southgate’s] squad is

Jamie Vardy

. “I would have tried absolutely everything to lure him out of retirement for these finals.

I know some people may be surprised at this, especially with the legal case between my wife and Jamie’s wife, but this is my honest football opinion.

On Jurgen Klopp:

Jurgen is a manager every player would love playing for, You can see how much fun his players have playing under him. I met him once, he is an amazing guy. His only mistake is that he works for Liverpool and is successful there.

Best Wayne Rooney quotes about his time at Manchester United

We wrap up our article on the

Best Wayne Rooney quotes

with a collection of his most famous comments about his time as a player at Manchester United and


national team.

On his career with English National team:

I’m proud I’m English and I’m passionate about my country.

We're going to do it. We're going to get to the World Cup.

Pulling on your country's shirt is the greatest honour a footballer can have. It's what I always dreamed of as a kid and I get a buzz every time.

I am as passionate about the England team as anyone.

On His career with Manchester United:

I just want to get in the team and show all of them what I can do. (On signing for Manchester united)

It's strange but I suppose I'm one of those senior players now and I'll be helping the young players as much as I can.

There's a lot more pressure on me at United. There are people out there trying to shoot you down

Growing up, watching the Premier League as far back as I can remember, feeling the trophy and having the medal around my neck was an unbelievable feeling.

I've matured since joining United, on and off the field.

I always remember it must have been horrible for defenders to play against us because we were always in opponents' faces

So here was our article on the Wayne Rooney quotes. Which part did you like the most? Any quotes you want to add to the list? Let us know in the comments section.

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