Fri 09 July 2021 | 6:30

Ryan Giggs Quotes, a complete collection

A look back at the greatest Ryan Giggs quotes including his comments on football and the biggest stars of the game.

Ryan Giggs is former Welsh former player who is currently working as a manager and a pundit. Widely considered as one of the greatest football stars of all time, Ryan Giggs was among the few one-club players and spent the entire of his 25-years career at Manchester United. He was a key player for the famous Manchester side which won the 1998-99 treble and also won the 2006-2007

Champions League


During his illustrated career, Giggs won almost every major title at the club level including 13

Premier League

and 4 FA Cup titles as well as the 1991 Uefa Super Cup and the 2008 Club World Cup. Giggs was a member of the Wales national team for almost 16 years but failed to qualify for any big tournament.

Giggs retired from football in 2014 and started his managerial career as an assistant coach at Manchester United right away. He became Wales's head coach in 2018 and guided his country to the 2021 Euro qualification. He was replaced by his assistant after he was charged with actual bodily harm and common assault against two women.

During his career, Giggs played over 1000 career games and scored 190 goals. He has many records registered to his name including Most Premier League assists and most appearances by a Manchester United player. He is truly among the most influential players in the history of the beautiful game. In the following article we present you with a complete collection of

Ryan Giggs quotes


Best Collection of Ryan Giggs quotes

We present football fans with the Best collection of Ryan Giggs quotes which includes his quotes about his personality and career as well as his comments on Messi and Ronaldo.

Ryan Giggs quotes about his character, childhood and personal life

Ryan Giggs has had an eventful personal life. During his childhood, he was often was faced with racial abuses because his father was a colored Rugby player. His marriage to his wife of ten years, Stacey Cooke broke down in 2007 when it was revealed that he had had an eight-year affair with his brother's wife. He also has been accused of abusing two women, for which he lost his job as the Wales national team coach. So it is interesting to know more about Ryan Giggs quotes on his own personality and personal life.

On his family origins

My Father was a professional rugby player in the area that I played as a youngster. So a lot of people who I went to school with knew who he was and knew that he was black. So I would get racist taunts in school.

I had my footballing heroes such as Bryan Robson and Diego Maradona but my dad was a rugby league star, and he was my real hero. But the relationship with my mum was rocky and we saw things that would affect any youngster.

I am proud of my black roots and of the black blood that runs in my veins.

I do not wish to hide my origins, nor do I seek to make it a subject of conversation. I am what I am.

A lot of people don't know that my father is black.

My dad played rugby, so I used to watch a lot of rugby union and rugby league.

Where I grew up, people obviously knew my dad because it's a small place and he was the top player for Swinton - they'd go and watch him play, see him in the papers, so they knew he was black.

Looking at me from the outside, it is not very obvious, I know but half my family is black and I feel close to their culture and their colour.

On his personal experience as a celebrity footballer

Celebrity culture, it's everywhere, isn't it? It's reality TV, Big Brother. I didn't become a footballer to be famous, I became a footballer to be successful. I didn't want to be famous. Now people want to be famous. Why? Why would you want people following you about all day?

Where does it stop? You get offered money for your wedding, then for your kids, new houses, holidays... We earn enough from football and sponsorships, why do you need any more?

As a footballer I can't imagine life without the use of one of my legs... Sadly this is exactly what happens to thousands of children every year when they accidentally step on a landmine.

I had an early taste of fame. I was 20, going out with TV presenter Dani Behr and we'd have paparazzi chasing us. I'm not comfortable being photographed, though I accept it is part of the job. I had to ask myself, 'What comes first, being a celebrity or footballer?

I didn't become a footballer to be famous, I became a footballer to be successful. I didn't want to be famous. Now people want to be famous. Why? Why would you want people following you about all day? I couldn't think of anything worse.

From leaving school, until 42, I’d done the same thing every day. So it was more the structure and preparing myself for life away from United – rather than any mental issues. It was trying to find something to help me get through the day, the week, the month, the year. If you’re finishing the same thing you’ve done for 25 years, it’s quite scary. But I soon realised there’s a life outside football, I had a good 18 months travelling, doing TV work, spending more time with the kids. (From Giggs interview with The Guardian)

My weight doesn't really fluctuate, but I make sure I don't eat late at night. It's about making sure I'm right physically because mentally I'm OK.

Records are not important to me at this stage and I don't consciously think about them, but they are something I will be able to look back on proudly when I have finished.

I think after a big European game you're looking at four or five days. For two days afterwards I don't really do anything. I do a recovery the next day, which is bike work, a light stretch, some yoga and an ice bath after that. Then the second day I would just do the bike again for 20 minutes and then do some strides, which is box to box, just eight of them, just to get the legs going and the blood going again.

The only difference is, rather than the kids, it’s mums and dads asking for a selfie. The kids look at the photo and say: ‘Who’s this?’ or: ‘You used to play for United, right?’ I also get: ‘Did you play with Ronaldo? Do you know Rashford?’ I don’t mind. I’m a manager now. (From Giggs interview with The Guardian)

All players have 'ordinary' periods in their career and it's hard to explain why. So at these times, its all about self belief, hard work and hopefully you get the break and your form returns.

I have full respect for the due process of law and understand the seriousness of the allegations.I will plead not guilty in court and look forward to clearing my name.

When you lose a game or don't play well you can't wait for the next one, because it soon disappears, the disappointment.

It doesn't matter how the teams are doing, it is always the biggest game of the season and always the one you look forward to the most.

What you've got to realize is that footballers, and me in particular, have seen everything in the changing room. Everything. I've seen the manager kicking off with the players, the players kicking off with him, players fighting each other, managers fighting, everything.

Ryan Giggs quotes about football and his playing style

Ryan Giggs was famous for his speed, strength, ball control, dribbling skills, and trickery in possession. He also had an amazing vision on the pitch, which enabled him to provide many key passes and assists. He was the captain of Welsh national team and Manchester United for many years and showed his strong personality in many key moments of his amazing career. It is certainly interesting to know more on the

top quotes by Ryan Giggs

about football and his own playing style.

It's not just the players, it's the culture. Sometimes it's the people around them; the people who are looking after them - the money they're given. Some of the families give up their jobs and live off their sons. That would never have happened 10 years ago.

I hope this match never ends. When the match ends, the memories begin.

I just want to be as successful as I can in football.

Every footballer wants to play forever. And if you are going to keep on playing - to enjoy it to the full - you want to win games, and as a result, trophies.

I actually don't feel the years passing, although the younger players make sure to remind me of my age. If there's a clip of Bobby Charlton playing or a game's in black and white they'll ask: Were you playing in that Giggsy?

Too much money at a young age, it just takes your eye off the ball. And you're not as hungry as players used to be. You think you've made it before you've done anything.

There's never been completion in my football career because I've always been striving for that next thing. You listen to people who have finished and nothing replaces playing, but I'm still excited about not having to put my body through what I've put it through. And not feeling the disappointment that I feel.

Football is easy when things are going well, but when its not, it becomes the biggest test.

In my career, there've been three stages really. There's been the stage when you come into a team, you don't feel the nerves, and you just go out and play. Then through your 20s you start thinking a lot more about the games and what's at stake. And then, as you get more experienced towards the end of your career, you enjoy it a lot more and you're a lot more relaxed.

European football games or evening games seem to take a lot more out of you because you don't sleep that night. And as you get older, it gets worse.

If I feel I'm not influencing games, not scoring goals or making goals, then that's the time I'd pack it in.

Many players want to make as much money as they can and change teams for ten grand. How is that going to make much difference to their lives?

You get yourself prepared for a big game, you get yourself up for it. Then afterwards you don't sleep or eat properly.

Ryan Giggs quotes on Messi and Ronaldo

In every generation, young football fans argue endlessly about who is the best player of the history of football. In our generation the debate is between

Lionel Messi


Cristiano Ronaldo

fans. Giggs played alongside Cristiano Ronaldo many times during his career at Manchester United. He has praised Ronaldo and Messi in many of his interviews. Here are Ryan Giggs quotes on Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.

When Cristiano Ronaldo gets the ball, you can just leave him to it while he beats player after player.

Messi is probably the best player of the last 20 years.

Top quotes by Ryan Giggs about famous football players and teams

In this part of our article on we will have a look at the

top quotes by Ryan Giggs

about other football great stars and teams, including his comments on Paul Scholes, Roy Keane and David Beckham.

On Paul Scholes:

I’d go for Scholesy as the club’s greatest ever player. I’ve seen him do things that no other player can do. The way he can control the tempo of games, and his range of passing, are both incredible. We’ve seen over the years that players just haven’t been able to get near him. And you can’t forget his goals either.

I have played with some great players during my time at United but I would have to put Paul Scholes down as the best.

On Ander Herera:

Ander is a fantastic young player, with great energy and creativity. We believe him to be one of the brightest young prospects in Spain and I am certain he will be a big hit with the United fans. I’m delighted he has made the decision to come to Manchester and play his part in the club’s future.

On Arsenal:

I like to let my football do the talking, I'm respectful of other good teams such as



On Roy Keane:

Roy Keane is Damien, the devil incarnate off the film The Omen. He's evil. Even in training.

On David Beckham:

He is the best passer of a ball in the world, and Real's style fits him.

On Nelson Mandela:

Nelson Mandela is my hero outside of football. I was fortunate enough to meet him a couple of times. He was really clued up on his football and he knew me, so that was just unbelievable. It really stuck with me.

On Liverpool:


are one of the best teams in the world, and the rivalry is massive. It's nice to play them, and even better to beat them.

On Edwin Van der Sar:

The main thing you want with a keeper is stability and Edwin has certainly given us that.

On Gareth Bale:

It's where Gareth is happiest. He's at a fantastic club with

Real Madrid

, but if he feels he's not getting enough football and he needs a move then I'm sure that'll happen.

On Louis Van Gaal:

You know how Louis is. He told Ed Woodward [United’s executive vice-chairman]: ‘I will be manager for three years and then Ryan will take over.’ [Giggs laughs.] Typical Louis. No one else made me any promises. I didn’t think I was ready when I finished playing but, after working with Louis, I felt more than prepared. I know it didn’t work out for United but Louis was brilliant for me because he is a teacher. (The Guardian)

On Bruno Fernandez:

Fernandes coming in has given everyone a lift, it's an exciting end to the season, It's early doors to be talking about the players who have come in and made an impact [such as Eric Cantona] but certainly he's off to a great start. He's made players around him better and has just fitted in straight away. That's always what you pray for when a new signing comes in.

On Daniel James:

He's still young. If you go back 18 months he was just getting into the Swansea team, so it has been an interesting two years or so. He'll be all the better for last season's experiences.

Best Ryan Giggs quotes about Manchester United and Wales National team

We wrap up our article on the

Best Ryan Giggs quotes

with a collection of his most famous comments about his time as a player and as a manager at Manchester United and

Wales national team


On his time with Wales national team

It's great to captain my country in such a big game, but also against my United team-mates.

As a young lad you go out and enjoy it, you have no fears, England versus Wales, a full house at the Millennium Stadium - you just don't get any bigger than that.

England got the luck this time, but if we keep producing performances like that it'll come our way,

I am lucky to have won so much, and the one thing missing in my career is playing in a major championships. I have maybe got two more shots at that,

When I took over I knew there was a good crop of young players coming through, it was part of the reason I was so excited to take the job. (From Giggs interview with Walesonline)

I’m lucky to have great staff around me and, during the week, you’re constantly in meetings and on the training ground. But it’s that hour before the game, when the coaches take the lads out to warm up, that you feel it. You’re alone in the dressing room and you’ve done everything you can. That’s a lonely time. There’s nothing left to do. You’re on your own. (From Giggs interview with The Guardian)

I would like to wish Robert Page, the coaching staff, the players and the supporters every success at the Euros this summer.

On Manchester United

I have always considered myself to be very fortunate. To play for the biggest club in the world, which also happens to be the team I supported as a boy, means I have never had to consider changing away from Manchester United.

We will go back to playing like

Manchester United


My first full season, when we lost the league to Leeds. That awful feeling of emptiness. The European Cup final in 2009, losing to Barcelona, was a close second.

It's a game I don't want to miss. United-Liverpool is one of the biggest games we play. There's a lot at stake (with the rivalry) but a place in the next round is vital.

As players, you just play for the club. I love Man United, I'm going to play for Man United, and that's what my focus is on.

We can't just rely on Wayne and Ruud.

But the main thing is to work on the stability of the team, not giving goals away, and scoring our goals will come.

I've always had people come up to me to say that they admire the way I play, and then they tell me they're not United fans. That's always been nice.

That disappointed me at the time. I had pushed the boat out by asking for three more years - but in the end we settled on two and that only took a couple of meetings.

The ability in this United squad is just as good as theirs. We just lacked concentration at key times last season and against teams we would normally beat.

I wanted the job when I had those four games, but I wasn’t ready. I was definitely ready after Louis [was sacked] and I wanted the job but I was nowhere near it.

I’m more ready [for the United job] now but I think that’s gone now, I think the chance has gone now. I think it’s gone, I’ve done it.

Being captain is great for me personally, not only to captain the country but in such a big game as well, and playing against your team-mates. I'm not a vocal captain, like other people. I just try to lead by example.

I think eventually I will want to go into club management, but when that is, I don’t know.


So here was our article on the

Ryan Giggs quotes

. Which part did you like the most? Any quotes you want to add to the list? Let us know in the comments section.


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