Tue 24 November 2020 | 10:30

Aston Villa Top Scorers of All Time

Maybe Aston Villa is not as famous or successful as the top Premier League clubs, Manchester United and Liverpool, but they have been competing in the Premier League for quite a time - actually 24 years. In this post we are to let you know about the all-time top goal scorers in Aston Villa history.

So, who are the

top scorers in Aston Villa of all time

and how many goals have they scored that has got them at the top of the list? For now, just know that the two scorers at the top of the list scored more than 200 goals for the Lions during their careers, indeed across all competitions.

And unlike some other clubs whose top scorers are from other nations, almost all top scorers in Aston Villa of all time are from the nation their club belongs to: England. We said “almost” because two of these top scorers, namely Peter McParland and Dai Astley, are not from England.

The List of Highest Goal Scorers in Aston Villa of All Time

The List of Aston Villa highest goal scorers of all time starts with the passed English footballer, Billy Walker, who scored 244 goals for Aston Villa during his career. But what about the rest of the list? Read on to know.

Billy Walker (244 Goals)

Number one on the list of Aston Villa top scorers of all time, Billy Walker, as mentioned above, is a passed English footballer who managed to score 244 goals for Aston Villa across all competitions. That actually includes 214 goals at league and 30 goals at FA Cup level, so from these numbers we can say that Walker scored 87% of all his Aston Viall goals at league level.

And these number of goals (214) were scored in the 478 appearances that Walker made for

Aston Villa

at league level which actually gets him a goal-to-appearance ratio of 0.44 meaning that the passed English footballer scored a little bit more than 2 goals (exactly 2.2) in every 5 appearances that he made for the Lions.

Walker is the only footballer on the list of

Aston Villa highest goal scorers of all time

who is both a product of Aston Villa and has played all his career for the Premier League club. He actually served the Lions for 14 years between 1919 and 1933 and during this time, as mentioned above, made 478 appearances for them only at league level.

The passed English footballer is also the second footballer after the former 78-year-old Scottish footballer, Charlie Aitken, who has made the most number of appearances for Aston Villa overall during his career: 531 appearances which are divided between his league (478) and FA Cup appearances (53).

The passed English footballer also served the English national team between 1920 and 1932 - almost the time during which he served Aston Villa - and during this time scored 9 goals in the 18 appearances that he made for them - exactly one goal in every two appearances.

Harry Hampton (242 Goals)

The second passed footballer on the list of Aston Villa top scorers of all time, Harry Hampton scored 242 goals in the 373 appearances that he made for Aston Villa during his career which actually gets him a goal-to-appearance ratio of 0.64 - even better than the top of the list, Billy Walker - meaning that Hampton scored almost two goals (exactly 1.92) in every 3 appearances that he made for the Lions. From among all the 242 goals Hampton scored for Aston Villa 215 were scored at league - actually 88% of all his Aston Villa goals - and 27 at FA Cup level.

Aston Villa is the club Hampton served the most during his career; actually for 16 years between 1904 and 1920. This is as the three other clubs Hampton served during his career, namely Wellington Town,


, and Newport County, get only a share of one or two years from Hampton’s years of service in club football.

The passed English footballer also served the English national team between 1913 and 1914 and during this time scored 2 goals in the 4 appearances that he made for them - he actually played as a forward. And with Aston Villa Hampton won one First Division title in 1909-10 season, and two FA Cup trophies in 1904-05 and 1912-13 seasons.

John Devey (187 Goals)

The third passed footballer on the list of

Aston Villa top scorers of all time

whose footballing career dates back to late 19th century, John Devey actually served Aston Villa at the end of his career; actually for 11 years between 1891 and 1902 which is also the longest period he served a single club during his career.

Some of the clubs Devey served during his career, like Aston Manor and Excelsior, even don’t exist today, however, that’s quite justifiable if you consider that the footballer’s career itself also ended in 1902 - 118 years ago.

We even don’t know how many goals Devey scored for other teams than Aston Villa. But for Aston Villa he scored a total of 187 goals in the 308 appearances that he made for them across all competitions. That actually gets him a goal-to-appearance ratio of 0.6 which means the passed English footballer scored 3 goals in every 5 appearances that he made for the Lions during his career. And from all the 187 goals he scored for Aston Villa 169 were scored at league - actually 90% of all his Aston Villa goals - and 18 at FA Cup level.

Joe Bache (185 Goals)

Yet another passed footballer on the list of Aston Villa top scorers of all time, Joe Bache was an English footballer who died on November 10, 1960, and during his career which lasted from 1900 to 1920 served only three clubs: Aston Villa, the Welsh club, Mid Rhondda, and

Grimsby Town


Unlike other footballers already mentioned - and indeed so many other footballers, Bache’s career was not a continuous one. We mean there was just a time gap between 1914 and 1919 where he didn’t play for any club. And the reason? World War I, during which no football was played in Europe.

Bache served the Royal Garrison Artillery during World War I and later was promoted to Lance-Corporal rank. Although he took part in several operations, he survived the war and retuned home in 1918 to resume his footballing career, though that didn’t last for long; actually for a season or so during which he served the Welsh club, Mid Rhondda, and the English club, Grimsby Town, for whom he appeared 5 times and scored one goal.

And for Aston Villa? Bache actually scored 185 goals in the 474 appearances that he made for Aston Villa between 1900 and 1914. That actually gets him a goal-to-appearance ratio of almost 0.4 (exactly 0.39) which means the passed English footballer scored 2 goals in every 5 appearances that he made for the Lions. Also from among all the 185 goals Bache scored for Aston Villa 168 were scored at league and 17 at FA Cup level.

Eric Houghton (170 Goals)

Halfway through the list of Aston Villa top scorers of all time we reach another passed footballer: Eric Houghton who served only two clubs during his 22-year career: Aston Villa and Notts County. From all these 22 years Aston Villa actually gets a 19-year and

Notts County

a 3-year share.

As you see, Houghton served the Lions more than 6 times longer than the Magpies. And he also scored 16 times higher and made 7 times more appearances for Aston Villa, indeed at league level. To be clear, he actually scored 160 goals and made 361 appearances for Aston Villa, while he only scored 10 goals and made 55 appearances for Notts County during his career.

The interesting fact about Eric Houghton is that he also managed the two teams he served as a player after his retirement; Notts county for four years from 1949 to 1953 and Aston Villa for five years from 1953 to 1958. Among

Aston Villa top goal scorers ever

- we mean at least the top 10 - Houghton has served Aston Villa the longest; as mentioned above, he actually served Aston Villa for 19 years and during this time scored 170 goals for them across all competitions.

From among all these 170 goals 160 were scored at league - actually 94% of all Houghton’s Aston Villa goals - and 10 at FA Cup level. The passed English footballer also served his country’s national team between 1930 and 1932 and during this time scored 5 goals in the 7 appearances that he made for them.

Tom Waring (167 Goals)

The first footballer on the list of Aston Villa top scorers of all time who served more than 10 clubs during his career, Tom Waring is a passed English footballer with a total of 167 goals scored for Aston Villa across all competitions. Aston Villa is actually the club Waring served the most during his career; actually for 7 years between 1928 and 1935. This is as he served other clubs only for a year or so. And the number of appearances he made for Aston Viall and the goals scored for them are by far higher than other clubs.

The number of goals Waring scored for Aston Villa at league level (159) are 3 to 20 times higher than the other clubs he served during his career and so the number of appearances he made for the Premier League club (216) compared to the number of appearances he made for other clubs.

In general, Waring scored 167 goals in the 226 appearances that he made for

Aston Villa

which actually gets him a goal-to-appearance ratio of 0.73 - the highest on the list - meaning that the passed English footballer scored almost three goals (exactly 2.92) in every 4 appearances that he made for the Lions. And from all the 167 goals Waring scored for Aston Villa 159 were scored at league and 8 were scored at FA Cup level. He also served the English national team between 1931 and 1932 and scored 4 goals in the 5 appearances that he made for them.

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Johnny Dixon (144 Goals)

Another passed footballer on the list of

Aston Villa top scorers of all time

, Johnny Dixon served only two clubs during his career: Aston Villa and another English club named Spennymoor United. Although the number of years Dixon served Spennymoor United is not clearly known, it seems the footballer served not the aforementioned English club but Aston Viall for the majority of his career; actually for 16 years between 1945 and 1961 and during this time he managed to score 144 goals for them in the 430 appearances that he made for them.

144 goals in 430 appearances; that actually gets Dixon a goal-to-appearance ratio of 0.33 which means the passed English footballer scored almost one goal (exactly 0.99) in every 3 appearances that he made for

Aston Villa

. Dixon never served the English national team or worked as a manager after his retirement, but he won one FA Cup with Aston Villa in 1957. And from among all the 144 goals Dixon scored for Aston Villa 132 were scored at league - actually 91% of all his Aston Villa goals - and 12 at FA Cup level.

Peter McParland (120 Goals)

The first non-English footballer on the list of Aston Villa top scorers of all time, Peter McParland is a 86-year-old former Irish footballer who managed to score 120 goals for Aston Villa during his career and indeed finish 8th on the list of

all-time top goal scorers in Aston Villa history


McParland is also the second footballer on the list after Tom Waring who has served the most number of clubs during his career. He actually served 10 clubs during his career - only one club less than Waring - with some of them being non-English clubs or English clubs that competed in the lower tiers like Plymouth Argyle and Worcester City.

Aston Villa is actually the club McParland served the most during his career; actually for 10 years between 1952 and 1962. This is as he served the other clubs only for a year or two during his career. And during the time he served Aston Villa he scored 120 goals in the 341 appearances that he made for them across all competitions. From among all these 120 goals 97 were scored at league - 80% of all his Aston Villa goals - 19 at FA Cup and 4 at League Cup level.

So, as you see, McParland is also the first footballer on the list of Aston Villa top goal scorers ever - and indeed as you see later in this post the only footballer on the list - to have scored goals in League Cup. The 86-year-old former Irish footballer also served his country’s national team between 1954 and 1962 scoring 10 goals in the 34 appearances that he made for them.

Billy Garraty (112 Goals)

Another footballer on the list of Aston Villa top scorers of all time from the late 19th century, Billy Garraty served Aston Villa for 11 years between 1897 and 1908 which was actually the start of his career. Other than Aston Villa Garraty served three other clubs, namely

Leicester City

, West Bromwich Albion, and Lincoln City during his career, but only for a year or two.

So Aston Villa is actually the club Garraty served the most in his career and during this time he scored 112 goals for them 96 of which - 85% of all his Aston Villa goals - were scored at league level. The rest of the goals Garraty scored for Aston Villa were scored in FA Cup (15) and in other competitions (1).

And Garraty’s goal-to-appearance ratio? That’s actually 0.43 which comes from the 112 goals he scored in the 258 appearances that he made for Aston Villa across all competitions and means that the passed English footballer scored a little bit more than 2 goals (exactly 2.15) in every 5 appearances that he made for Aston Villa. Garraty also made one appearance for the English national team in 1903 but never scored a goal for them.

Dai Astley (100 Goals)

The first and only Welsh footballer on the list of

Aston Villa top scorers of all time

- at least among the top 20 Aston Villa scorers of all time, Dai Astley is a passed footballer who managed to score exactly 100 goals in the 173 appearances that he made for Aston Villa across all competitions. That actually gets him a goal-to-appearance ratio of 0.57 which means that the passed Welsh footballer scored a little bit more than one goal (exactly 1.14) in every 2 appearances that he made for the Lions.

And from all the 100 goals that Astley scored for Aston Villa 92 were scored at league and 8 at FA Cup level. Other than Aston Villa Astley served the Welsh club, Merthyr Town, the French club, FC Metz, and three English clubs, namely Charlton Athletic,

Derby County

, and Blackpool, but none of them more than 3 years.

It is as he served Aston Villa for 5 years and made more appearances and scored more goals for them with a reasonable margin in regard to the number of appearances he made and the goals he scored for other clubs during his career.

We say “reasonable” because from his goalscoring stats in other clubs, one can say that if he served them more, he would score surely as many goals he scored for Aston Villa. The passed Welsh footballer also served the Wales national team between 1931 and 1938 and scored 12 goals in the 13 appearances that he made for them - a much better goal-to-appearance ratio than that of his Aston Villa.

Len Capewell (100 Goals)

Sharing the 10th position with Dai Astley on the list of Aston Villa top scorers of all time, Len Capewell is a passed English footballer who served Aston Villa for 8 years between 1921 and 1929 and during this time scored 100 goals in the 157 appearances that he made for them. That actually gets him a goal-to-appearance ratio of 0.63 - one of the highest ones on the list - which means the passed English footballer scored almost two goals (exactly 1.89) in every 3 appearances that he made for the Lions.

Other than Aston Villa Capewell served other clubs like Bordesley Green and Washwood Heath Council Schools, Saltley Baptists, Wolseley Athletic Works FC, and Wellington Town, but we don’t know for how many years exactly.

Capewell did not win any trophy with Aston Villa but he managed to pick up some special milestones with them like scoring 34 goals for

Aston Villa

in only 38 matches in 1925-26 season, and scoring 5 goals one of which was in the first 20 seconds in a home match against Burnley in the same season where Aston Villa beat Burnley 10-0.

The List of Highest Goal Scorers in Aston Villa of All Time Does Not End Here

Surely there are other top scorers in Aston Villa of all time, though they have not scored more than 100 goals for the Premier League club. The list of Aston Villa top scorers of all time continues as below:

  • Gabriel Agbonlahor, Goals: 86, Apps: 391, Ratio: 0.21, Ntl: English-Nigerian

  • Dwight Yorke, Goals: 66, Apps: 208, Ratio: 0.31, Ntl: Tobagonian-English

  • Juan Pablo Angel, Goals: 62, Apps: 202, Ratio: 0.3, Ntl: Colombian

  • Dion Dublin, Goals: 56, Apps: 185, Ratio: 0.3, Ntl: English

  • Tony Hateley, Goals: 53, Apps: 76, Ratio: 0.69, Ntl: English

  • Gareth Barry, Goals: 51, Apps: 433, Ratio: 0.11, Ntl: English

  • Christian Benteke, Goals: 49, Apps: 101, Ratio: 0.48, Ntl: Belgian-Congolian

  • John Carew, Goals: 48, Apps: 131, Ratio: 0.36, Ntl: Norwegian

  • Darius Vassell, Goals: 45, Apps: 198, Ratio: 0.22, Ntl: English

  • Julian Joachim, Goals: 44, Apps: 161, Ratio: 0.27, Ntl: English-Vincentian


source: SportMob

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