Wed 20 October 2021 | 17:30

Jordan Henderson Quotes, a complete collection

A look at the greatest Jordan Henderson quotes including his comments on football and the biggest stars of the game.

Jordan Henderson is an English professional footballer who playing as a midfield for Liverpool football club and England National team. Widely regarded as one of the best holding midfields of his generation,


started his professional career in 2011 with the Southampton before reaching the top of his career at Liverpool.  

Henderson has been the captain of


in their glorious recent period in which they won the Champions League title and broke a 30-years draught by winning the 2019-20 Premier League title. He has also won some major individual awards including the 2010-11 Liverpool Young Player of the Year and the 2019 England Senior Men's Player of the Year awards.

At the international level, Henderson has been a member of England national team since 2012, scoring 1 goal in 66 games. He participated in the 2018 World Cup and finished second at the 2019 Cup of Nations and the 2020 European Championships.

Known for his remarkable work rate and leadership qualities, Henderson He has scored 37 goals in 490 matches during his club career. In the following article we present you with a complete collection of

Jordan Henderson quotes.

Best Collection of Jordan Henderson quotes

We present football fans with the Best collection of Jordan Henderson quotes which includes his comments about his personality and career as well as his comments on other football stars.

Jordan Henderson quotes about his personal life

Jordan Henderson was born into a family of diehard football fans from Southampton in England. Henderson has said that he a normal childhood. He enjoyed playing in the streets every time he had a chance. He would also attend many of Southampton games with his father. Henderson is a true family person and has a close relationship with his siblings and parents. He has been in a long relationship with his current wife, Rebecca Burnett. The two married in 2014 and have three kids together. It is certainly interesting to know more about Jordan Henderson quotes on his own childhood, personality and private life.

On His childhood and family

I've always been athletic - did the 100 metres and 1500 m at school, cross-country races - and did well in them.

When he was 10 I took him to see a Champions League final at Man United, and he said when they came out with the Champions League music, ‘dad, I’m going to play there one day’. He’s done it, not only once, but twice, and now he’s won one. Delighted for him.

At the time I was a young player and there was one or two things Luis did in training that I didn’t like and it made me feel like I wasn’t good enough to be in the same team.

The arms would go up – it was like, ‘what’s he doing’ as if I shouldn’t be there. It really hurt and frustrated me. He did it one, two, three times and then I exploded and I was ready to kill him!

On his hobbies and preferences

I'm definitely not a karaoke man, but I like to try stuff, so I'd get up on stage and give it a go. It would have to be something cheesy - karaoke always is - so maybe R. Kelly, The World's Greatest.

For breakfast, I'll have scrambled eggs or poached egg on toast... and - this is gonna sound weird - I have it with blueberries as well. Everyone says it's weird, but try it - you'll like it.

A day or two before games, it's all carb overload: pasta, rice, potatoes, stuff like that. And, straight after the game, it's important to get as much carbohydrate on as possible. Refuel your body and get as much back in as you can. As it tails off a day or two later you, ease off on the carbs and go to more protein, vegetables, and salads.

It's quite hard at times to take my mind off football, but it's very important. I'll watch something on television, anything, whatever the missus wants to watch.

I don't really go out. I stay in and watch TV.

I am a bit boring.

I love to get to Dubai. It's an impressive place, and you can do lots of different things there - beach, shopping, and other fun things.

I get in the gym and put the work in with the fitness coaches so I can be the best shape I can be in.

It was Osgood-Schlatters. It wasn't good. It's a growing pains thing, and I had to have a lot of treatment on it. I just shot up immediately and didn't have any kind of physique to deal with it physically. I was tall, all arms and legs, and a bit gangly.

My favourite meal is probably chicken with penne pasta and pesto.

On his personality, Beliefs and objectives

It's about being focused on what you want to achieve. That's all I do.

You give everything; sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but you always have to move on quickly.

I'm a big believer in having to go through hard times to get to where you want to be. Nothing comes easy. You have to work.

When you win or lose, no-one dies: you win, or you lose.

Whether you win or lose, you need to stay on a level platform.

I don't like reading good things about myself. With the criticism and the negative things, I always think that makes me better.

I don't like talking about myself. I find it a lot easier talking about other people.

I'm not particularly into people giving me credit. It's not something I think about. It's not important to me. The only thing that's important is if I'm doing my job properly on the pitch for the team and for the manager.

Criticism's healthy. It gives you that extra little bit inside you to prove people wrong, to use it as energy, to use it as fuel.

Age is not really the biggest factor, whichever end of the scale you are at. It's how you perform, how you respond to the challenge of having good players around you competing for your place.

You will get criticism throughout your career. All the best players have had it at some stage, and they haven't let it ruin their careers. I won't, either.

I don't like to look too far back into the past.

I'm probably my biggest critic.

Of course, people are going to criticise when things aren't going well. As players, we have to take on responsibility and prove people wrong.

Jordan Henderson quotes about football and his playing style

Jordan Henderson is known the most for his work rate and passing qualities, as well as his leadership, decision-making, tactical awareness and high spirit. Henderson has been a key member of the England national team and Liverpool in recent years and has shown his strong personality in many key moments of his amazing career. The followings are the

top quotes by Jordan


about football and his own playing style.

On football

Football always changes. There are always new players coming in at your club or young players coming through with your club or England. You have to be ready, given 100%, improve, and get better.

It's important everyone knows their roles individually and collectively as a group.

You never know what will happen in football.

You need people who are vocal on the pitch to give information at different times of the game.

You can't keep having the pressure on your goal all of the time because, eventually, a team will get through.

Football is a lot to do with mentality.

People have to fear England and not want to play us. The only way of doing that is to play at a high tempo and win games.

It was football for me always.

It's not about individuals; it's all about team work.

There are going to be highs and lows throughout a career, and you have to try and level it out. Don't get too high and carried away when things are going well, but don't get too low when things aren't happening.

You will get criticised, you will get praised - that's the way football goes. I've learned over a few years now that it can change within an instant.

As a player, you want to win every game. That's what footballers do: they want to play, and they want to win.

As players, you've got to keep improving, keep learning, keep playing well to get your place in the team.

There are always those moments in football - and life in general - which can decide the path and the route you go down.

You are always having to prove something in football whether you are flying or not.

If you're winning games, the confidence flows, and you gain a rhythm, which I've experienced before.

When you're not playing, it is difficult to feel that you are the leader of the team.

On his playing style

Sometimes I can be a little bit cautious in keeping the ball, playing a safe pass rather than an adventurous one.

I want to improve every season, every training session. I'll continue that until I finish my career.

The physical part of football has always been a massive part of my game so I can cover the ground during games.

I tend to focus on core work most of all in the gym. Overall strength work - if you can do it regularly - makes a massive difference on the pitch, especially when you are fatigued. If you are stronger, it helps you deal with that.

I would say I am more comfortable in the centre of midfield. But when you are at a big club like Liverpool, you maybe get played in positions with which you might not be so familiar. But you have got to learn the different roles, because it gives you a better opportunity to play.

It is nice to be playing, being on the pitch, and contributing to the team.

Now and again, you may be picking a pass or two in behind, making something happen, but when we're attacking - especially at Liverpool - I'm focusing on protection, being disciplined, being careful, worrying about counter-attacks, things like that.

If you're exercising hard and training hard every day, you've got to have carbs; you can't just cut them out. That's how you get your energy levels up.

I've always played with a high intensity anyway. That's how I've always been.

It's about doing what the team needs me to do, not what I want to do or what I think I can do.

When you're on the pitch, you give 100 percent to win the game.

I have just been a bit inconsistent when I have played. That happens in football, especially when you have been out for a long period.

I do whatever the manager tells us to do, really.

Jordan Henderson quotes on Messi and Ronaldo

In every generation, young football fans argue endlessly about who is the best player of the history of football. In our generation the debate is between Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo fans. Henderson has never played alongside Ronaldo and Messi, but he has faced both of them many times during his career at Liverpool. His most famous game against Messi was the miracle of Anfield when the Reds overcame a 3-0 defeat with a 4-0 win against Barcelona to reach the final of the 2018-19 Champions League. Here are

Jordan Henderson quotes on Lionel Messi and Cristiano



You don’t think to yourself ‘Oh my God – that’s him,’ but there’s no question he plays the game differently to when you see him on TV. He’s so fast, Now I think about that free kick. I still can't believe he scored that goal. I thought he would keep it short. I've told how fantastic Allison is, but Messi put the ball in a field that Allison could not stop. Whip, fast - was absolutely accurate.

Did I think about asking for Messi's shirt? No. I’ve never done it.

Cristiano Ronaldo

is the best player in the world

Top quotes by Jordan Henderson about famous football players and teams

In this part of the article we present you with the top quotes by Jordan Henderson about other football great stars and teams, including his comments on Steven Gerard, Ryan Giggs and his coach at Liverpool, Jurgen Klopp.

On Steven Gerrard:

I don't think I'll ever be another

Steven Gerrard

, to be honest!

On Jurgen Klopp:

At Liverpool, Jurgen pretty much does everything, and we just follow him. Of course, we've still got leaders within the group to implement his message, but more often than not, we listen and then just do what he says.

On Ryan Giggs and David Beckham:

Ryan Giggs and David Beckham were the two players I've always looked up to.


On Raheem Sterling

For me,

Raheem Sterling

is a fantastic player, and he's been brilliant for England. I hope he will stay at Liverpool.

On James Milner

Some people might say I'm old at 28, but I look at someone like James Milner. He's 32 and playing like he is 25 or something.

On Marcus Rashford and Jesse Lingard

I've played with Marcus Rashford and Jesse Lingard for England, and they are top players.

On Roy Keane

Roy Keane told me when I was at Sunderland that if you ask for someone’s shirt, it looks like you are in awe of them.

Best Jordan Henderson quotes about his club and international career

We wrap up our article on

Jordan Henderson quotes

with a collection of his sayings about his club and international career. Henderson's biggest breakthrough was winning the UCL and the Premier League title with Liverpool. He has played the last ten years of his club career so far at Liverpool. On the International level, His biggest achievement was finishing runners-up at the 2020 European Championships.

On his international career with England

It's everyone's dream to play for their country.

There are a lot of players that want to go to the World Cup, so you have to be the player that goes out and performs and shows how much you want to go.

I have always wanted to fight no matter what position I am in, and whether that is Liverpool or England, I need to do more, and I need to do better because you have younger players, or players get signed for the club who push you and want to take your place, and you have to be better than them.

When you play for E

ngland, you have good players around you, and you want to compete with the best.

I always say, whether it's Liverpool or England, it's not just me who is a leader.

I have been in tournaments before where people would say, 'England should win this game,' and we didn't.

I was still with Sunderland at the time of my first cap in 2010, and I remember getting the text to let me know that I was going to be called up to the squad - it was a Friday night, and I was in a hotel in London because we were playing Chelsea the next day.

On his time at Sunderland

When you are very young and come through at a club, like I did at Sunderland, I suppose people do not expect as much and have not really heard much about you. Whereas, when you sign for a club, the expectations are higher.

It is hard to leave your local club. All my family are Sunderland fans, and it is pretty tough because I have had some great years there, but I am looking forward to playing for Liverpool now.

At Sunderland, if I had a bad game, it wasn't like it was the end of the world.

When I was very young, coming into the Sunderland side, if we got beaten, I'd be very down. I'd go home, and it would drag on for days, I'd be thinking about the game. I was from Sunderland, felt things like a fan, and got really down.

On his time at Liverpool

Obviously, it was an amazing feeling to play for Liverpool for the first time. It was a little bit funny to be playing against Sunderland, but it is still an amazing feeling every time I put on the Liverpool shirt.(On his first game with Liverpool against his boyhood club, Sunderland)

I suppose when people are criticising you and saying that you are not really worthy of going to such a club as Liverpool, it gives you a little bit more drive and more desire to prove them wrong. And that can only help you in the long run: make you a little bit tougher mentally.

Obviously, it was an amazing feeling to play for Liverpool for the first time. It was a little bit funny to be playing against Sunderland, but it is still an amazing feeling every time I put on the Liverpool shirt.

At Liverpool and England, it's about moving forward and going in the right direction, and you don't want to be left behind by any means.

When it comes to football, I think it's vital you always enjoy playing, and when I arrived at Anfield, I was determined to do just that, whatever anyone else said.

There are different pressures when you come to a club like Liverpool. You have to perform well each week, or people start to question you, and I discovered that as soon as I got here. It was a difficult time, but I hope I got stronger from coping with it.

You have got to get to know people, and moving down to Liverpool from the North East was a huge change for me. But, at the same time, you have just got to get on with it, and that is part and parcel of being a footballer.

I knew I had to try and win trophies and be successful and be a big player for Liverpool.

You will always be judged as a Liverpool player but, as a captain, you will be judged on what you win, basically. If you're doing well, and the team is winning everything, you become a very good captain.

United are capable of setting up a low block and making it difficult, but they're also capable of coming out and pressing high.

The way we play at Liverpool is with high-intensity football, pressing high up the pitch, winning the ball back quickly, and counter-pressing.

In my opinion, there is no better place to be for a footballer than Liverpool.

When you play for Liverpool, there's always pressure, pressure to perform, expectation. Of course, that's the reason why you want to go there.

Whether I'm captain or not, I always like to think that I lead by example anyway. I do the same things as I always do and try to help the group out.

It's in the DNA of Liverpool Football Club to win trophies.

When you come to a club like Liverpool, you need to perform straight away and consistently.

It is about winning a trophy. It doesn't make any difference to me who lifts it; I would just rather win.

I came to Liverpool wanting to stay here for the rest of my career. I certainly didn't want to leave after a year.

When I finish my career, I can look back and then decide if it was good or not.

So here was our article on the Jordan Henderson quotes. Which part did you like the most? Any quotes you want to add to the list? Let us know in the comments section.

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source: SportMob


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