Thu 15 October 2020 | 2:10

Worst Fights Between Teammates in Football

Here is a look at the list of worst fights between teammates in football.

In this article, we brought you some unforgettable football fights between teammates. For a group to stay together and work as a cohesive institution is the only way to grow. That really doesn't take place always. This one is not about the supportive peers who complement each other's strengths effortlessly and share handshakes and encouragement with each other. 

This is only for the hot-tempered competitors, sick of the media interest or faults. It's a salute to an angry, crying, crazy teammate who won't wait to show who the dominant male in business truly is. Let's take a look back at the kind of toughest rivalries of all time between teammates.Here are some examples of teammates getting violent with one another. 

Football is an intensely emotional game. There are heavy stresses on and off the pitch, from the spectators to the athletes. And as any case including extreme competition, even among the most surprising peers, there are clashes of heads. 

These are all

the biggest fights on the football pitch

that are most historic. Any real football fan would recall these conflicts, from

Arjen Robben


Frank Ribery


Zlatan Ibrahimovic

vs. Oguchi Onyewu.


Worst fights between teammates in football

Here is a look at the list of worst fights between teammates in football.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic vs. Oguchi Onyewu

Soccer is a high-stakes, competitive sport that leads to conflicts and violent encounters among footballers on rival sides. While it is uncommon, we have also witnessed athletes go a stage ahead by fighting with their teammates in a few instances. 

Whereas many footballers have the patience to stand in line until after the game to solve their issues, others have sensed an urgent necessity to resolve their challenges on the field. Zlatan has the ability to really get tangled with his team-mates, trying to smash the legs of Rafael van der Vaart at


and hitting Jonathan Zebina in the eyes at Juventus. 

However, his most impressive fight took place in Milan, where he fought with Oguchi Onyewu.  As Ibrahimovic described in his autobiography," I hit in his face, and we fired at one another. 

We tried to rip the limbs from each other's limbs. It's been vicious. We were flipping around, kicking, and headbutting each other. We were insane and angry; it was like death and life." 

After Onyewu made a careless tackle, Zlatan, a professional in Taekwondo with a knack for hitting his team-mates, got into one of the biggest fights on the football pitch with the strong USA international. To separate them from fighting it took 10 coaches and teammates. 

In his autobiography 'I am Zlatan Ibrahimovic', the Swede wrote about the accident in detail. In 2010, I entered Milan and our greatest league game was due to arrive.



rivalry versus


, whose most loyal supporters were going to despise me, the Ultras." I had trouble with Oguchi Onyewu, my teammate, on top of that. He was a house-sized American, and I said to a friend in the team, something terrible is going to occur. I only so see it. 

In his following statements, Ibra gave an accurate summary of the former

Charlton Athletic

footballer, after which he clarified the battle in its entire length. 

'Onyewu appeared similar to a heavyweight fighter. He was almost 6 ft 5 in, weighing more than 15 stone, yet he couldn't control me. He blamed me for talking trash, however, it wasn't real. People do that to me.

Throughout my career, I've learned too much', stories about my mother, all those things. "I respond with my hands, not with phrases. "I told Onyewu the fact yet he just insisted on talking. With his finger, he shushed me. He did so again later. I've been seeing red. I said nothing, not a word.

He was about to figure out how I was going to trash-talk.

"I ran at him and stood up with my foot and studs in the front, which was the toughest form of tackle." however he noticed me and leaped out of the way. My first idea, when we both crashed to the ground, was like:' S**t! I lost it! 'I felt a slap to the arm as I stood up and walked. "Oguchi Onyewu, it's not a wise decision.

"I punched him, and we fired at each other. We tried to rip the limbs from each other's limbs. It's been vicious. We were flipping around, kicking, and headbutting each other. We were insane and angry; it was like death and life." Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Oguchi Onyewu's fight is considered as one of

the biggest fights on the football pitch


David Batty vs. Graeme Le Saux



comfortably through to the quarter-finals, in any meaning of the phrase, Rovers had more than a glimmer of hope heading into the match and came out battling. 

From the very first second, they irritated and harassed Spartak, pressing with toughness and fighting for every ball like it's the last. The fighting attributes of Blackburn would soon ignite the first big major conflict of the match too, yet it was in a way that few could have expected. 

Only 4 minutes into the match, after looking for the ball, Batty and Le Saux clashed. Arriving at pace, the toughest of the two inevitably was Le Saux, with the collision dropping the defender on his knees. David Batty stood on his feet, however, there was nothing he could do to stop the subsequent series of mistakes.

Obviously upset with what had happened, he focused his frustration at his team-mate; that's the point when things began to go absolutely wrong. 

Spartak moved forward, taking the throw rapidly, yet the two were overly concerned with repenting for their mutual mistake and halting the attack. Rather, a furious, off-camera exchanging of words started in one of the biggest fights on the football pitch.

When the action finally stopped for a foul on Tim Sherwood, it became clear that the exchange had gotten nasty. Graeme threw the first hit at the incoming Batty's neck with a straight left and looked to be tied up for yet another until Sherwood interfered, with the captain receiving his own supreme thump for his worries.

For his role, Batty did not back away from the fight, proceeding to exchange barbs with Graeme even after the interference of Sherwood and numerous demands to leave, although in somewhat more humorous words.

Batty's furious, scowling expression is depicted wonderfully by the incident images as he responds to the blow and points at the much weirder scenes that might have transpired had Sherwood not intervened. 

In any event, until the subsequent interference of team-mates eventually saw things settle down, the confrontation between the two lasted for several minutes. 

Like bickering brothers sent to opposite directions of the room by irritated family, David and Graeme were sent in distinct ways, and they managed to exchange threats from 40 yards away even after the game eventually got back on track.


Aleksandar Mitrovic vs. Aboubakar Kamara

At a meditation activity, it seems unbelievably impossible to initiate a war, however, between Aleksandar Mitrovic and Aboubakar Kamara, there was already real animosity after the latter took the ball away at the point when The Cottagers were given a penalty over Huddersfield-and failed. 

The pair began one of the

worst teammate fights in the history of football

after Kamara disrupted a group relaxation during yoga, as per the Sun. 

Only a few days since Kamara was criticized by Ranieri for taking a penalty over


after robbing the ball from Mitrovic, the official penalty taker of the team, the reported war took place. 

Jonas Lossl saved Kamara's shot yet he struggled to save Mitrovic's late winning goal, which won Fulham a crucial three points and guaranteed that Kamara's penalty miss wasn't enough significant. Even so, after the game, Ranieri said that Kamara, "did not value the manager, the team, peers, and the fans."

Ranieri added, "I told Aboubakar Kamara to give the ball to Aleksandar Mitrovic." "He's the one who gets the penalty shots. It's amazing what he's done. "I needed him to be killed. When a player takes a shot, that's natural, only because he converted the last penalty against

Manchester United

. It's meant to be Mitrovic, that's it.' 


Joey Barton vs. Ousmane Dabo

One of the other popular football stars with a sharp tongue was Joey Barton. In his 2007 battle, Ousman Dabo, his teammate, was his rival. Barton hit Dabo hundreds of times in a workout session, in One of the worst teammate fights in the history of football, sufficient to take Dabo to the clinic. 

He suffered a damaged eye and filed charges for his wounds against Barton.

Since Dabo won his fight in court, Barton finally went to prison and was sentenced to 4 months in jail. He paid to Dabo for the injuries as well. Joey Barton was suspended by the Football Association for 6 games, with another 6 banned for attacking Ousmane Dabo. 

The incident, which occurred during a training session while the two players were at

Manchester City

, left Dabo with many cuts in addition to a detached retina. Dabo stated that the aggression was that severe which made him "like an elephant man." 

Barton had recently acknowledged the compensation of harassment and he was fined £25,000. Joey Barton and Ousmane Dabo's fight is considered as one of the biggest fights on the football pitch.

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Emmanuel Adebayor vs. Nicklas Bendtner

When Adebayor and Bendtner began fighting,


were losing against Spurs in 2009 and with a broken nose, Lord


walked away. 

Adebayor later confirmed that one of the

top soccer fights between teammates

between him and Bendtner began with his refusal to take off his indoor trainers. 

"At Arsenal, there was a regulation that no player is supposed to come with trainers or shoes into the locker room. I can't understand why he came with his trainers always," Adebayor told the media. 

Then Nicklas was cornered by him like: "Nicklas, you're a player, I'm a player,' Adebayor informed him." Maybe I'm higher than you, maybe you're better than me, but you should consider all. There are laws that dictate you not to come into the locker room with your trainers. Take those off. 

"Bendtner never respected the rule, and things proceeded from there. I'm unable to accept it."

It was reported that Bendtner had given Adebayor the finger that had the striker head-butt in the face of his team-mate, however, the two didn't face FA prosecution. However, Emmanuel Adebayor and Nicklas Bendtner's fight is considered as one of the biggest fights on the football pitch.


Lee Bowyer vs. Kieron Dyer

In the last ten minutes of their match at St James' Park, Lee Bowyer and Kieron Dyer found themselves in a confrontation, back in 2005. The pressure of the match was passed to the player's hands to the horror of all attending, and the battle culminated in lots of players dividing them, including their own rivals. 

The incident ended in a 7 match suspension for Bowyer, embarrassing the teammates and their manager. The two were forced to apologize publicly for their behavior. 

This battle is by far the most notable in the entire existence of the Premier League, and it happened during a game when

Newcastle United F.C.

were soundly thrashed and were down to 10 men indeed.

Lee Bowyer and Kieron Dyer faced up to each other while the Magpies were striking, and the two began fighting. The clash soon broke up with the

Aston Villa

midfielders, yet Bowyer's jersey had been torn from the front, and Dyer appeared to have earned the brunt of the blows.

The altercation arose as Dyer never provided passes for him during the game, as per Bowyer. The two were sent off, the team defeated 3-0, and both footballers are forever linked to one of the

most shocking on-pitch fights between teammates in football history



Arjen Robben vs. Frank Ribery

In victimizing rival defenders for Bayern Munich over ten years, the two had wonderfully coupled, yet clashed at half-time in a semi-final UEFA Champions League game versus

Real Madrid

in 2012 getting into a dispute on who should handle a free-kick. 

Arjen Robben was allegedly attacked by Franck Ribery through one of the worst teammate fights in the history of football, whereas Bayern declined to elaborate on the event. 

In 2017, Robben told Sky Sports News Deutschland: "We always got on pretty good and once it collapsed between us, however, the event just strengthened us." 

"It was a shame indeed. For quite a long time, we have played together and learned so much together. Honestly, it doesn't tell the entire story; definitely, in eight years, it's only just one occurrence. 

"Frank Ribery stated:" this stuff happens in soccer occasionally. In the


match, I addressed Arjen and said it was done.


Alan Shearer vs. Keith Gillespie

You can also recognize feelings getting the best of players in the middle of a soccer game. Yet that doesn't justify how cutlery contributed to Keith Gillespie being placed in the clinic by Alan Shearer in 1997 when the two were at Newcastle United. 

"Gillespie told talkSPORT in 2016," We were away on a half-season holiday, and I unintentionally dropped some cutlery off the plate. He looked over and said, 'Take that up,' and I really didn't like how he talked to me. 

"I only turned around and said, 'Correctly. Now outside! 'And on the challenge, he took me up. I didn't think he would have done that, however, I was a little too proud to sit down. We eventually went out, and I took a shot and missed it, and he caught me. 

"I was only in the hospital for a night. Since I fall and damaged my head on a pot of plants when he injured me. I've been unconscious. 

"The very next day, Alan Shearer came and visited me, and we had a conversation about one of the

craziest teammate fights ever in football

. Getting knocked out by the captain. That was just funny.


Andy Griffin vs. Ricardo Fuller

Stoke City

was famous for their offensive play in 2008 when they frequently roughened up rival teams that were practically stronger than themselves. Coach Tony Pulis would never have wanted a battle to break out among his team members, given their physical manifestation. A fight, nonetheless, was precisely what transpired during Christmas. 

Fuller quickly confronted his captain after a failure by Andy Griffin enabling West Ham to net a goal against them. Fuller proceeded to slap his team member in the face.

Fuller was swarmed about by his mate who was unable to accept what they had just seen, and Fuller was sent off for aggressive behavior. The attacker was pardoned, and for the next 3 years, he was one of Stoke's crucial members. 

Ricardo Fuller later said that his sending off for hitting fellow Andy Griffin in the match over

West Ham United

was the consequence of the star skipper disrespecting him.

The uncommon occurrence as one of the most shocking on-pitch fights between teammates in football history took place after Griffin was at blame in the premier league match for West Ham's first goal, that the London club won 2-1 scoring an 87th-minute goal. 

"I just said 'clear the ball out' to Griff and he was really offensive and arrogant," Fuller stated after the game. He added: " What he said was terrible, yet what I did was worse and I'm definitely going to be banned for three or four matches.

"The two footballers fought as Stoke planned to resume the match after the 51st-minute goal scored by Carlton Cole, and after attacking Griffin, Fuller had to be punished for illegitimate actions. 

Fuller stated: "I feel horrible, thinking I caused some points to my side. I sincerely apologize and wish that never happens once more, "


John Hartson vs. Eyal Berkovic 

It's been 14 years after John Hartson kicked Eyal Berkovic in the face in a West Ham training session, one of the craziest teammate fights ever in football. Hartson's act was captured on camera as the first footballer to ever be charged with an attack in a training ground fight. 

A solid challenge from Hartson started the confrontation, which forced Berkovic to fall on the ground. Hartson proposed getting him to his feet with his fist, and Berkovic hit his foot. But instead, Berkovic was knocked to the ground by the notorious kick to the jaw. 

Hartson stated:  "That's my career's worst mistake ever. I was 20 years old. I was really aggressive, maybe a little furious. I separated my ways with Arsenal in 1997 and they proceeded to win a double in 1998.

Eyal Berkovic was a decent boy so I don't know how I responded the way I did. Against Eyal, it was nothing serious. That day, it might have been another player on the training field." John Hartson and Eyal Berkovic's battle is considered as one of the biggest fights on the football pitch.


Craig Bellamy vs John Arne Riise

Owing to the conditions, Craig Bellamy and John Arne Riise got into an argument, undoubtedly one of the most unforgettable soccer battles involving friends, yet you can't even call this much of a confrontation. Bellamy comments on an evening out with the lads with a little too many cocktails in his autobiography. 

He was asking Riise to sing, however, the player snapped after a few recommendations and proceeded to yell at him. Bellamy could not ignore when he quit, the way he talked to him in front of the rest of the staff. That night of his life, Bellamy was not in the correct mood, the beverages did not improve the situation and that resulted in one of the top soccer fights between teammates.

There were gold clubs in their hotel's lobby, and as Riise was in bed, he let himself go into Riise's room. He attacked Riise with the club, and looking back at what he was doing Bellamy stated:  "I despair. It was scandalous. It was the worst degree of insanity. It was a drunken conduct."


Fredrik Ljungberg vs. Olof Mellberg

One of the biggest fights on the football pitch took place in 2006. Fredrik Ljungberg and Olof Mellberg's battle took place in a training-ground game for the Sweden World Cup. 

In a minicamp to train for the World Cup, the Gunners players started fighting as Ljungberg set off down the field to be welcomed by the charging force of Mellberg, pushing Ljungberg to the ground.

He caught Mellberg by the neck as he stood up and started to grapple, everything to Mellberg's disappointment. The mediator role was played by Daniel Anderson and ultimately got the two to split. Stated Mellberg:  "I regret it, absolutely. You can't put a good spin on what I'd done. that's nothing to be proud of. It was foolish."


Jermaine Beckford vs. Eoin Doyle

In 2016, Jermaine Beckford took offense to attack fellow Eoin Doyle as he refused to give him the ball while looking for a late equalizer for Preston against 10-man

Sheffield Wednesday

The referee sent both men off. Preston were defeated 2-1. Fans heading to Hillsborough were reimbursed with their tickets for the punishments given to the footballers. 

North End

had been in with a shot of tying the game after Doyle had brought a goal back, with opponents down to 9 players after Fernando Forestieri's sending off and Will Buckley off the field seeking treatment for a hip injury. 

In one of the biggest fights on the football pitch, Beckford took offense to Doyle who decided to provide a pass for Marnick Vermijl rather than him. Marnick shot over the bar in the 90th minute. "That is an ultimate disaster," said Grayson. "At any club, I've been at, I stick up for my boys, I don't want to attack them in public, I'll do in the locker room. However, for both of those players, I am sorry."

"You foresee that from four or five-year-olds on the pitch, not from two expert footballers who have been in the business for a long time," the Preston manager stated after the game. 

"They let themselves down, but that's the least. They let down our fans who came here, the fight eventually resulted in losing points as we had the chance to get a point or maybe three points. 

"It is humiliating. It is a joke, a shame." Jermaine Beckford and Eoin Doyle's battle is considered as one of

the biggest fights on the football pitch



Craig Levein vs. Graeme Hogg

On 10 August 1994, in a preseason game, the two players started one of the biggest fights on the football pitch as who was supposed to mark the man who netted the early goal.

Words converted into punches and Levein fractured Hogg's nose and the two were sent off. Since Hearts thought that the skipper of their team should not be a person who hits his fellow teammate, Levein was relieved of captaincy. 

Hogg seemed to be pushing Levein, who was lashing his arms out. His first hit was incomplete, but Hogg astounded by his second. Levein was promptly red-carded by referee Bill Crombie and he then sent off Hogg at the point when he was undergoing treatment for a facial fracture. They lost the game 2-0.

The guy who started the notorious fight between Craig Levein and Graeme Hogg in 1994 insists Levein landed two of the best blows he has ever seen. Gordon Dalziel remembers the game vividly after twenty-six years as both Hearts defensive players had struggled to pick up Dalziel.


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