Fri 06 August 2021 | 6:30

Jamie Vardy Quotes, a complete collection

A look back at the greatest Jamie Vardy quotes including his comments on football and the biggest stars of the game.

Jamie Vardy is a professional footballer who is currently playing as a striker for Leicester City Football club and England National team. Widely considered as one of the English forwards of all time,

Jamie Vardy

has had a fairy tale of a career in football. By now almost every football fan know that Jamie used to work in heavy lifting industry before making it as a footballer in his 20's. His inspiring journey lead Jamie from those working hours to lifting the Premier League trophy in just a few years.

During his successful career, Vardy has won many top awards, including a miraculous Premier League title with Leicester City in 2015. Vardy was selected as the Premier League player of the season and broke many records, including the record for scoring in most consecutive games (11 games).

At 34 years of age, Vardy has shown no signs of slowing down and has been superb for the Foxes season in an out. In the 2019-20 season he became the oldest player to win the Premier League golden boot. In the following article we present you with a complete collection of

Jamie Vardy quotes


Best Collection of Jamie Vardy quotes

We present football fans with the Best collection of Jamie Vardy quotes which includes his comments about his personality and career as well as his comments on other football stars.

Jamie Vardy quotes about his character, childhood and personal life

Jamie Vardy was born in Sheffield,


into a middle class family. His father was working as a crane operator and his mother was a former solicitor. Jamie did not have a happy childhood and had many quarrels with his parents since his teenage years. Eventually he decided to leave his parents' house and live on his own.

Jamie Vardy has been in a long relationship with his former girlfriend and current wife, Rebekah Vardy since 2014. They have had three kids together. With such a background, it is certainly interesting to know more about Jamie Vardy quotes on his own childhood, personality and private life.

On his childhood:

I remember at school we went to an army camp for a day. We did the official army bleep test and I got to level 14.5. I think the closest person to me that day got to level 10. Fitness has always been one of my strengths. I can do all the long-distance runs. When I was at school and we entered the competitions I used to do the 100m, 200m and the 1500m as well, so it’s never just been a pace thing.

I was still able to play football but on a few occasions I had to leap over fences and get in the car to get back to avoid breaking my curfew. My mum and dad would pick me up. The away games, if they were too far, I could only play an hour. I would have to come off, hope we were winning and jump straight back into the car to get home in time.

On his working days before becoming a footballer:

When you are molding 30 an hour, it takes its toll on your body. It got to the point where my back was just hanging off. It was time to say, 'I can't do this anymore. so I decided to just quit and live off the football money. Luckily, three days later, I signed for Fleetwood.

We had to do a lot of heavy lifting into ovens and the shelves we had to put items on were way above my height. When you have to do that on a daily basis and you are lifting about 100 times a day it damages your back so it was time to stop. It didn’t stop me playing football. If anything, I was playing football the night before and then ringing up work the next day and saying I was injured to get off work, to be honest

You could actually wear the bracelet as an ankle guard. It would protect your ankles. There was no way of breaking it. You could hit it with a hammer and it wouldn’t come off. It was unbreakable.

That is one of the things that has made me the person sat in front of you. It was hard. It had an effect on my family as well because I am in the house constantly. It was tough not being able to do what any normal 20-year-old wants to do.

Those were the experience that made me the person I am today.

On how he got into football:

I went to college and a friend got me playing for his Sunday side, I wanted to get back into it. After that, I ended up playing for

Stockbridge Park Steels

as a youth player, then I had broken into the reserves and then the first team."I pinch myself every day anyway. Everyone knows the road I have had in the game and how I have managed to get myself to where I am today.

There was a lot of hard work that has gone into this, I have to still pinch myself most days before I even got here. I have been given a chance now and hopefully I will get to show it on the big stage. You would never thought, where I have come from, this was ever on the cards.

On how his life has changed because of football:

My life has changed, but I’m not money-motivated at all, that’s the last thing on my mind. I just want to play football, and that’s how I’ve always been.

I pinch myself every day anyway. Everyone knows the road I have had in the game and how I have managed to get myself to where I am today.

On his racism controversy:

The word 'racist' is a permanent stain against my name. It's worse than a criminal record. Some people will never forgive me. Others will accept I made a terrible mistake and recognize I have learnt from it. It's on YouTube when my kids type in their dad's name, and it comes up 'Jamie Vardy racist'. On Google, too. It's horrible.

On his marriage life:

She’s changed me. She’s such a calming influence. When I was living on my own, for a footballer it’s easy to do the things that you’re not supposed to, or not what the sport science team says. For example, if there’s a packet of crisps, you’re going to eat them. The same with a packet of sweets. Go to bed at a certain time? You’re not going to if you’re on your own. Having Becky and the kids there is brilliant for me.

I don't really leave the house. Literally, I train, come home, look after the kids, the dogs, my missus... then it's time to go to bed.

On his hobbies and preferences:

I like a drink and enjoy being Jack the Lad. I've had a few scraps and spent a night in a cell.

I was out one night with a friend who wore a hearing aid. Two lads, for no reason, thought it would be funny to start knocking him and attacking him. I am not proud of what I did but I stuck up for him and defended him, as I would for any mate. It ended up getting me into a bit of trouble.”

I couldn’t go out, I was locked in the house. All my mates would be out but I was sat at home. Luckily, I had a big DVD collection so I would watch loads of movies every night. It was something I had to learn from and I did.

People keep asking me if I'm watching our rivals' games in the Premier League, but I'm usually on my PlayStation. If I had been watching, it would have been on an illegal stream, so I don't even know why they are asking me.

My diet is not unorthodox. I just eat like anyone else - that's just how I am. Everyone is different. It is just my metabolism that keeps me this slim.

If I go in the gym, it will slow me down. I don't go in for weights or anything like that. Each and every person is different, and this is my way, and I'm sure if someone else tried doing what I do, then it probably wouldn't work for them.

I got given a pair of Christmas socks with penguins on. They know you're obviously not going to wear them. I think they do it just to annoy you, to be honest.

For Secret Santa a few years ago, I bought one of the lads I used to play with a block of cheese.

There's a lot of people blocked on my Twitter for various reasons which I don't need to get into.

The best present I’ve ever given someone is myself.

Wowzers. What’s happening in life? But if that’s what they want to do, then so be it.

Jamie Vardy quotes about football and his playing style

Jamie Vardy is famous for his ability to score all sorts of goals. He is very fast and always lookeds for opportunities to score goals. He was a key member of the England national team and Leicester City for many years and showed his strong personality in many key moments of his amazing career. The followings are the

top quotes by Jamie Vardy

about football and his own playing style.

When you get into an academy and you are playing football every day of the week that is all you ever want to do.

I’m a nightmare on the pitch, aren’t I? I get abuse from opposition fans and give it back to them. But that’s just me – and that’s how it should be.

Obviously, when you're doing fitness work at a club all week and every week, it's all about specific drills for what you need to do on the pitch. So I'd be doing a different drill to the center-midfielders. It's all specifically tailored for me. For example, my drills are high speed. It's all about trying to break the line with a sharp sprint.

After a Saturday game, we're in on a Sunday to cool down and make sure we're fully back at it again. But it doesn't really affect things too much. It's basically like you've had a game on the Saturday, and then you're in the cup on a Tuesday


Competition for places can only benefit you. If you know you've got that much competition, then you're just going to have to work that extra bit harder so you can catch the gaffer's eye.

You hear players in the past say that it’s just a job for them, but for me, it is nothing like that. I literally wish I could play football every day.

When I am on the pitch I have to lead from the front and be aggressive because of my size. It lead to my nickname.

If I’m played out of position I’ll always give 100%, but everyone knows I would rather play down the middle. I also think for myself, and the club as a whole, the year’s experience last season has done us the world of good. The confidence in knowing that we can give teams a game, which showed in the run-in when we pulled away from the relegation zone, helped us all out and we’ve just carried that on.

That’s how every striker should feel otherwise there’s no point in being a striker, it’s as simple as that, that’s what I get paid for – to put the ball in the back of the net.

I don’t know what VAR stands for.

Best Jamie Vardy quotes about his club and international career

In this part of our article we have a look at the

best Jamie Vardy quotes

about his club and international career.

On his career with England National team:

No one can take their place or their England shirt for granted. If I want to be in that squad, I need to keep banging in the goals to make sure I stay in the manager's plans.

We were live on television but I think it was a bad game for him to come to. It was very windy and the pitch was like sand dunes. There were bobbles everywhere but we won the game.

Obviously I want to make sure that I’m involved in the squad and I know that’s down to myself. But I think you see with the players that are involved there, they’re all class and they’re a close knit group as well and to be honest with you we can go far and we know that.

On his early years at Sheffield, Stocksbridge and Fleetwood town:

When I got released by


for being too small it was a real heartache. That was one of the reasons I stopped because I thought I would never be a professional.

When I got released by Wednesday I literally stopped playing for a while. It was the lowest point in my career. It was hard to take.

When I was playing for the reserves, if you got a call-up you got a straight £30. I'd never been paid for football!

I was just at Fleetwood and we were on a mission to get into the Football League. I thought that was where I would be after we got promoted as well. I never thought this (his England call-up) would happen either.

I remember my first wage with Stocksbridge. I was a youth player and just to get called up to the first team it was 30 pound a week. I had never earned money through football before. I was happy to get that. We used to get 200 or 300 fans watching, unless we played one of the big local clubs like Wednesday or Sheffield United.

I got a move to


, which was brilliant, but the work was taking its toll on me. It was doing my back in so I decided to just quit and live off the football money. Luckily, three days later, I signed for Fleetwood.

I had to do it (the streak) once as a forfeit at Fleetwood. I can’t remember why, but it was normally something to do with being late or the worst prank of the day.

On His career at Leicester City:

This is the top-flight all-time record and its set by a Sheffield United player, so being a Sheffield Wednesday fan I’d love to beat it.

There is only one thing I want to do here, and that is play football to the best of my ability. If I let things start distracting me, I’m not going to be able to do that, which will jeopardize the team as well.



? They wanted me when no one else wanted me. I will never let them down.

Confidence is sky high, but we’re also all very grounded. We know in football nothing can be taken for granted. That’s why every week as soon as we finish the game, if we’ve got the three points we are straight away focusing on the next game and the training that goes into it.

But I’ve not really looked at stats like that, all I’ve thought about is getting as many goals as I can for Leicester.

There’s still a long way to go, I’ll get back on the training field and look at how I can break Watford’s defense but I need my team mates as well.

In the changing-room, I'm seen as one of the jokers. I like to have a laugh; there are quite a few of us. That what helps make a good atmosphere in the changing-rooms. You've got to have a few jokers but obviously serious when the time comes.

When training and matches are finished, we'll all go out and have food together; we're always in touch with each other.

You’d have to say the likes of


and Ronaldo. They’re obviously the world’s best and they have been for years, but we still know there’s a long way to go until that might happen and we know that we’ve got to take each game as they come.

Each one will give 100%. We put our bodies on the line for each other.

On his record breaking 11-game scoring streak at the

Premier League

Everything I’m touching is going in. Long may that continue.

I’ve not thought about record at all. If someone else gets the goal that gets us three points I’ll be happy.

I did not really expect it, but I did not set myself any targets either. I just wanted to make sure I improved on last year, and I’ve managed to do that. To get the 10 in a row is brilliant, but the main thing is the points for Leicester.

Hard work and the players around me getting me into positions. This year I’ve managed to put them into the back of the net.

It would be unbelievable [to break the record], but I would only want to get another if we got the three points.

Because the

Man United

fans were singing Ruud van Nistelrooy, I said: ‘Me, me, all effing me’ … Live on Sky. Again. I need to calm down a bit. I was just lost in the moment, that’s what it was. And, to be fair, I saw the replay of the goal and you can actually see a couple of Man U fans clapping.

If you had asked me back then I would never have thought I would have signed for Leicester City.

With Ruud van Nistelrooy holding the record before, you can’t get much better than that – it was a brilliant message from him.”

My phone was just vibrating in my pocket constantly. I left it all until Sunday morning and then worked my way through everything, which is not easy when you’ve got Twitter, WhatsApp, text messages, Instagram, etc. But some of the messages were unbelievable.

So here was our article on the

Jamie Vardy quotes

. Which part did you like the most? Any quotes you want to add to the list? Let us know in the comments section.

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