Mon 03 January 2022 | 7:00

Pepe quotes; a complete collection

Pepe, a great defender who played for Real Madrid for 10 years. Here in this article today, we are going to have a look at the Pepe quotes. Stay tuned and keep reading the article.

Kepler Laveran de Lima Ferreira, known as Pepe, is a Brazilian professional footballer who currently plays for

FC Porto

. Born in Maceio, this defender took his first steps in football at Corinthians-AL in 1995. In 2001, his senior career started as he joined

Maritimo B

in Portugal. After a season, Pepe promoted to the first team and played there until 2004.

This brilliant defender moved to Porto in 2004 and after 3 years, he signed with

Real Madrid

. Pepe spent 10 years with Los Blancos, which were his most successful years during his career. After that, this Brazilian footballer moved to Besiktas, where he kicked the ball until 2019. Then he went back to Portugal and returned to FC Porto.

Although Pepe was born and raised in Brazil, he chose to play for the national team of Portugal. As it was mentioned, he went to Portugal to play for


in 2001. Pepe was contacted by Brazil’s head coach Dunga, but he declined and stated that when he got the Portuguese citizenship, he would kick the ball for its national team.

Pepe is married to Ana Sofia Moreira. The couple have 2 daughters. Are you interested in reading the quotes that Real Madrid’s former defender has said? Then join us in this article on the

best Pepe quotes


Greatest Pepe quotes

Today on


, we are going to have a look at the

Pepe top quotes

. Stay with us!

Pepe quotes on Football

In the first part, we are going over the

Pepe best quotes on football

. let’s go!

“Which player does not want to win? A player who doesn’t want to win, it’s better not to be with us.”

“I do not like to lose, which is why I try my hardest when I play.”

“I fight for every ball as if it was the last.”

The next quote among the Pepe best quotes on football is about the influence of this sport on his life.

“I’ll always say it was football that gave me everything in life; lots of friends, the chance to make my dreams come true.”

Let’s keep on with the other Pepe quotes.

“There is no point changing coach halfway through the year.”

“Three goals in 90 minutes is possible, there is no doubt about it.”

“If the fans are happy with me, it is due to how I perform on the pitch.”

“It’s down to us to play, do our job and honor the shirt that we pull on, so as to ensure we send the fans away happy.”

The next

Pepe best quotes

are about criticism.

“We’re professionals, we have to deal with criticism. We get talked about a lot but we have to focus on doing our job well.”

“Criticism makes us grow.”

Let’s go on with the other

Pepe quotes


“The supporters are always right, but we need our supporters behind us.”

“Everyone’s opinions have to be respected. The coach has his, we have ours, the media have theirs.”

“Little by little I want to become more free and start going forward but I know that the first thing I have to do is defend.”

The next quote from the Pepe quotes is about the Portuguese people.

“We have always felt the support of the Portuguese people. We are a small country, but with many qualities.”

Let’s continue with the rest of the Pepe quotes.

“Football is a collective sport.”

“We face each game with great importance but we have a strong desire to win.”

“We always try to win, but it isn’t possible all the time.”

“Playing collectively will boost our chances of winning.”

The next one among the

Pepe quotes

is about what would have happened if he hadn’t become a footballer.

“If I wasn't a footballer, I definitely would have been a chauffeur because that is my father's profession and he's a person I aspire to and admire. I wanted to follow in his footsteps as a man.”

Here are the other Pepe top quotes about football.

“Everyone knows what my qualities are and what I can do for the team.”

“I look after myself a lot to be at the top of my game for as long as possible.”

“We center-backs had to cover a lot of ground, and we had to be very physical with the opposing strikers.”

“I think my style of play would be appreciated in England, but as Spanish football is more technical, rather than box-to-box like in English football, my physical style is highlighted much more.”

“I try and play as clean as possible and not commit fouls. But in my position it is not easy to play without giving away free kicks.”

“I am a player who works hard, is fast and strong.”

“When I do play I try to be the best to help my teammates.”

Pepe quotes on Footballers & Coaches

In this part of the article, we will have a look at the

top Pepe quotes

on football players and managers. Stay tuned!

On Tevez

“Carlos Tevez is a quality player. He fights for every loose ball. He loves retrieving it. He's a fighter on the pitch.”

On Neymar

“The people can say what they want, but fact remains that Neymar has been booked more often than me.”

On Zidane

The next Pepe best quotes are about the former manager of Real Madrid Zinedine Zidane.

“What Zidane has done with Real Madrid is spectacular, but there are things I don’t understand.”

“Zidane has been a player and knows what the players want and think.”

On Mourinho

These Pepe quotes are about Jose Mourinho, who used to be the manager of Real Madrid.

 “Mourinho has a lot of experience as a coach, with great clubs and players.”

“Mourinho and Zidane are very different, one could say they are opposites. But it's not like one is bad and the other is good.”

“Mourinho has a lot of experience as a coach, with great clubs and players.”

“I love playing for Mourinho. He is honest and sticks to his guns.”

“Mourinho is different. He stands out in many ways.”

On Carlo Ancelotti

“Every minute I spend near Ancelotti I am breathing in football. He likes to really be immersed in football. As a former player and as a coach who knows our needs, it is a privilege to work with him and share time with him because he teaches us a lot.”

On Benitez

The next quotes among the Pepe quotes are about Rafael Benitez, the former Real Madrid manager.

“I liked Benitez’s sincerity. I identified with him because he is a very direct and honest person.”

“Benitez is a very good professional.”

On Griezmann

“I’ve played against Griezmann several times in Spain. He's not very tall but he's very adept at figuring out where the ball will be.”

On Maradona & Pele

“Pele and Maradona won games but they had the help of their teammates.”

On Ronaldo

Here are some of the top Pepe quotes which are about Cristiano Ronaldo.

“It’s normal that people have a distorted image of Cristiano because the press nowadays focus more on the issues off the pitch. But Cristiano is very professional. He is very focused on his football and he follows the timetable exactly. He is a humble man, despite of all his surroundings. He doesn’t lose sight of the fact that he’s from Madeira.”

“Is there a team in the world that would not be stronger with Cristiano Ronaldo? I don’t think so.”

“It’s a privilege for us, Portugal, to have a player like Cristiano Ronaldo.”

The next quote among the Pepe quotes are about Ronaldo’s personality.

“People talk without knowing the real Cristiano. He’s a normal person with normal habits like us. He likes his relatives. He loves his sons. He stresses the importance of being a father which I think is important. He does this perfectly and naturally.”

Let’s keep on with the rest of the quotes.

“Off the pitch, Cristiano is an extremely normal person. When something gets out in the media talking about him... I look and I say: ‘This can’t be. It’s a lie.’”

“Cristiano is happy at Real Madrid and focused on helping the team.”

The next quotes are about uniqueness of Cristiano.

“Cristiano is the best player in the world.”

“People like Cristiano are unique, they are people blessed by God. He was blessed by God and knew he would become one of the best in the history of football.”

“What Cristiano does is beyond compare. He has an unbelievable record and he’s the best player on the planet.”

Let’s keep on with the other quotes on Cristiano Ronaldo.

“I’m privileged to be able to train with sometime who is an amazing person, Cristiano Ronaldo.”

“Cristiano is just one more player who is always motivated.”

“They are different footballers. For me, Cristiano has more points in his favor because he heads the ball well, he is stronger and he scores goals. Messi has quality, dribbles and scores goals. For a coach, I think Cristiano is better because he is more complete.”

On Casillas

“Iker is a player who is part of Madrid. He’s an institution, both in this club and in Spain.”

On Gaitan

"I really like Gaitan. He has a lot of creativity and has the quality to play for a club like Real Madrid."


On Football Clubs

In the last part of the article, let’s have a look at the Pepe quotes on the clubs he has played for.

On Porto

“Porto improve every single player because this is a very demanding club.”

“Porto prepared me really well and this didn’t go unnoticed in Spain, as before I went to Real Madrid the club were known as a graveyard for center-backs. They had amazing center-backs that had failed there.”

“Every team dreams of playing the Champions League final - Porto just as much as Real Madrid.”

On Besiktas

"The Besiktas fans are very passionate. When you go out onto the pitch the noise coming from the stands always hits you.”

“In Turkey people really love sport, they only think about football.”

“Turkish people live football. Football is a passion of theirs. They demonstrate it with love and affection for their team.”

“Many, many people sent me messages on social media. I couldn’t go. I couldn’t turn my back on all this affection that the people had given me. I said I have to go to Besiktas. It’s impossible not to go to Besiktas!”

On Real Madrid

Here we go over the best Pepe quotes.

“I spent 10 wonderful years at Real Madrid.”

“I love Real Madrid and their fans.”

“Perhaps Real Madrid fans won’t like me saying this but they say Real Madrid fans transmit enthusiasm but I don’t think they do. That’s not the reality.”

“When I got here with Real Madrid, the truth is they responded very well. I know that the people like me, they love me, they have a lot of warmth for me. I’m enchanted for that warmth and love they’ve shown.”

“If there is a magic stadium in Europe, then it is the Bernabeu.”

“At Real Madrid it is difficult to be defensive and this is my main priority.”

“I am a man who always likes to win and to defend the shirt of Real Madrid till the very end.”

In the next quote, Pepe talks about how united they were in Madrid.

“At Madrid we are like one big family. We’re all united because we know we have to be, otherwise we’re going nowhere.”

“Madrid will always be a priority for me.”

“When I arrived, I defended Real Madrid tooth and nail.”

“I have been 10 years at Madrid, which is no easy thing.”

This was all on our article about 

Pepe quotes

; a complete collection. Want to add any quotes? Share with us in the comment section.

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source: SportMob

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