Wed 03 November 2021 | 8:30

Greatest John Jones Quotes; a complete collection

A look back at the Greatest John Jones Quotes including his comments on life and martial arts as well as his motivational quotes.

As one of the greatest mixed martial artists, currently, John Jones is signed to the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), fighting in the light heavyweight division

Earning the UFC Light Heavyweight Championship title two times before, he held the title once from 2011 to 2015, and the next time from 2018 to 2020.

He is proved to be one of the bests in the world at the age of 23, becoming the youngest champion in UFC history, putting Maurício Rua behind.

His other UFC records include the most title defenses, most wins, longest win streak, and most submission victories, in the light heavyweight division.

You should also know that his only professional loss has occurred against Matt Hamill back in 2009.

From 2015 to 2017 he has many ups and downs in his career, but eventually, he returned to his glorious days reclaiming the championship in 2018 by defeating Alexander Gustafsson.

We also have to mention that back in 2016, Jones held the interim UFC Light Heavyweight Championship. Interestingly as of 2021, John Jones is the second name of the

UFC men's pound-for-pound rankings list.

In today’s article, we present you with

a complete collection of John Jones Quotes

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A collection of Greatest John Jones Quotes

Here is a complete quotes collection of the great mixed martial artist, John Jones, including his comments on life, martial arts, and love.

John Jones inspirational quotes

Being considered as one of the greatest players in the UFC world, there is no doubt that John Jones has inspired and changed many fans’ lives through his professional career.

Here is a collection of John Jones’ best inspirational quotes.

“Look in the mirror. You must first love yourself before you can receive true love from someone else.”

“When it comes to trust it is better to have it than to live without it.”

“There is no way to completely fail unless you completely quit.”

“Success is a state of mind, waiting for action.”

“Love with no feelings is a waste.”

“I look at obstacles as opportunities.”

“The only limitations are the ones we put on ourselves and I just don’t believe in limiting myself.”

“True love can’t be bought.”

“In a fight, you got to know that there’s a strong chance you’re going to get hurt. But at the same time, you know, most of the injuries you sustain in fighting are not career-ending injuries.”

“I’m beating all the weakness out of myself, beating all the give-up out of myself, I’m beating the lack of cardio, I’m beating the lack of confidence – any sign of weakness that’s in my heart, I’m getting rid of it.”

“Talk is cheap. Love is priceless.”

“You don’t have to be the smartest person to become successful and wealthy. Many of the most successful and wealthy people in society are not the most educated people.”

“Look at those who have talked about you and doubted you. They are your inspirational reason to succeed.”

 “True love will never fade like a rainbow.”

 “Like a raisin in the sun; that will swivel up and fade away. Your success dreams will swivel up and fade away if you are not motivated enough to work for them.”

“There is one thing I know for sure. You can become successful if you are willing to pay the price for success.”

“Change quotes were meant to move us from inaction to action.”

“One of the greatest forms of success is to be able to help others accomplish their own success.”

“Success is more a part of who you are, than anything outside of you.”

“I think it’s important to be an absolute believer and have that confidence.”

“Lying is a false significance of speech, with a will to deceive, which cannot be cured but by shame and reason; it is a monstrous and wicked evil that filthily depraved and defiles the tongue of man.”

“When life has beaten you up and you can’t see a way to go on. Trust that tomorrow will change your fortune.”

“Love and happiness are a great match.”

 “Believe in yourself. Believe in your heart and once you get there, don’t slow down.”

“Everything is a possibility. I believe we’re put on this earth to think big and dream big.”

“Despite the failures you’ve had, you can be great.”

I might not be as successful as you are today, but tomorrow, next month, next year, or five years from now will be another story.”

“It is alright to trust. But trust comes with responsibility.”

 “Change quotes were meant to move us from inaction to action.”

“Failure is what you may need to eventually succeed.”

“There’s a quote that says, ‘If you know yourself and you know your opponent, you shouldn’t fear the results of 100 battles.’ Just really being prepared gives you a lot of confidence.”

“Become important to others.”

John Jones motivational quotes

The followings are some of John Jones's motivational quotes.

“They said you could not make it. Prove them wrong.”

“Be your own motivation.”

“If you think, you can become successful and you are willing to learn and work at success, one day you will become successful.”

“The fruits of your labor will bear the fruits of your success.”

“Success is not going to just come to you. You must go out and get it.”

“Wanting the best that life has to offer is so nice. Working for the best that life has to offer is greater.”

“Today is the best day to accomplish something.”

“When the going gets tough that should be your inspirational reason to drive on.”

“To become successful you will have to get mad about your current situation. After you get mad, get motivated to do something about it.”

“Like a raisin in the sun; that will swivel up and fade away. Your success dreams will swivel up and fade away if you are not motivated enough to work for them.”

Time to go through John Jones Quotes on his life and personality.

Greatest John Jones Quotes on life and his personality

Born on July 19, 1987, in New York, his father is named Arthur and her mother was Camille. Arthur is a pastor at Mount Sinai Church of God. He was the one to discourage Jon's fighting career. In fact, he himself has claimed that "I wanted him to preach. I tried to discourage him from being a fighter. I told him you don't want to do that. You can do other things. Be a pastor." About Jones’ mother, you must know that she died in 2017 at the age of 55.

Being one of the four kids in the house and with a disciplined dad, he had to find his way through life and that is exactly what he has done perfectly.

The followings are the

greatest John Jones quotes on His life and personality


“Success for me is to go out there and dominate.”

“I look at obstacles as opportunities.”

“The only limitations are the ones we put on ourselves and I just don’t believe in limiting myself.”

“I’m beating all the weakness out of myself, beating all the give-up out of myself, I’m beating the lack of cardio, I’m beating the lack of confidence – any sign of weakness that’s in my heart, I’m getting rid of it.”

“I’m crazy enough to believe that maybe I’ll never lose a fight.”

“Time is invincible, impregnable, insurmountable, invulnerable, unstoppable and time is invisible.”

 “I think my confidence offends a lot of people, but I think people should learn from it and be inspired by it, instead of finding it offensive.”

“The economy has made me think I have no power. That is not true. I control the power to change my future.”

“I’m just a different machine than I used to be, where now I’ve taken my diet more serious than I ever have in my life, and I’ve gotten way small. My physique is just completely different to the way it used to be.”

“I have never felt any pain that I can remember.”

“I get fired up when emotions are involved. I think it pulls a little bit of extra out of me.”

“I’ve always been a guy that has strived for dominating, not only winning.”


“I appear to be a lot bigger than what I am.”

Greatest John Jones quotes on love 

Now that we know all about the John Jones quotes on life, in addition to his motivational and inspirational quotes, it is time to go through the great martial artist quotes on love.

“Love is wonderful to have. True love is hard to find.”

“Talk is cheap. Love is priceless.”

“Look in the mirror. You must first love yourself before you can receive true love from someone else.”

To live and love is a wonderful thing.”

“Love can climb the highest mountain or sink to the lowest depth.”

“True love can’t be bought.”

“Tell someone you love them and mean it.”

“Talk is cheap. Love is priceless.”

“True love will never fade like a rainbow.”

“True love has always been a two-way proposition.”

“Love has been stronger than the air you breathe.”

“Just when I thought life was over you came into my life.”

 “Though I lost you years ago, I dreamed you were here. That dream gave me the inspirational feeling that I could make it one more day.”

“Love can’t be stolen without willing participants.”

“Love lost can be found again.”

“Don’t ask for love when you are not capable of giving it.”

“Talk is cheap. Love is priceless.”

“Wake up this morning knowing that the possibility for love is closer.”

“When there is, love life gets better.”

“As lonely and sad as I am today, your return will cause a new birth in me.”

“It’s hard to live a full life without love.”

 “Love will turn you on your head.”

“Love is wonderful to have. True love is hard to find.”

“Nothing can take the place of true love.”

“When you are down and out, find something or someone to love.”

“It is possible for love to grow and multiply if you work at it.”

“If you really want love, ask for it. Those who are willing to ask are often the ones who receive.”

Aside from his career, he is in fact really romantic! Isn’t he?!

John Jones quotes on mixed martial arts

Ready to know more about John Jones's quotes on his career and martial arts? Let’s dig in then! In this part of the article, we will have a look at John Jones's quotes on mixed martial arts.

“I take it so seriously as far as meditation, notes, visualization, preparation, everything. I take it a lot more serious than a lot of people that play this sport. I’m obsessed with the game that I play.”

“I am an athlete in every sense of the word. Athlete, martial artist.”

“I’m glad the UFC wanted to work with me as well, and I think that they trust that I’ll never make them look bad. You never have to worry about me with a DWI or doing something crazy.”

“In my mind, I’ve never lost a fight.”

“I’ve dominated a majority of my opponents. Very few people I only win against. Most of the time it’s pretty one-sided. That’s success to me.”

“I guess the worst thing you feel in a fight is being out of shape.”

“You know, when you’ve been to the top, you get comfortable, and you know what it feels like to be a champion, to have nice things and all that. You know, it’s just not as appealing as it was coming up.”

“The worst injury I’ve ever seen in a fight was with Anderson Silva when his leg snapped in half.”

We wrapped up our article on the greatest John Jones quotes with his quotes on mixed martial arts. But what other interesting quotes does the great player have? Which part did you like the most? Are there any quotes you would like to add to the list? Let us know in the comment section below.


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