Thu 02 September 2021 | 4:30

Arjen Robben Quotes, a complete collection

A look back at the greatest Arjen Robben quotes including his comments on football and the biggest stars of the game.

Arjen Robben is a retired Dutch football star who played as a winger. Widely considered as one of the greatest players of his generation, Robben had a very successful career at the club and International level. He played at some of the best European clubs including


and Real Madrid But his golden years of prime was his ten years spell at

Bayern Munich


Robben was known and praised for his amazing speed, dribbling skills, curving shots. His signature move was cutting inside from the left wing and scoring with beautiful shots. Robben won almost every trophy at the club level. He won the league title at Eredevise, Premier League, La Liga and the Bundesliga. But his biggest collective achievement was winning the 2012-13 Champions League with Bayern Munich, at which Robben was the main star for the Bavarians.

On the international level, Robben enjoyed a successful career with the Netherlands, finishing as the runners-up at the 2010 World Cup and finishing third four year later. In the following article we present you with a complete collection of

Arjen Robben quotes


The Best Collection of Arjen Robben quotes

We present football fans with the Best collection of

Arjen Robben

quotes which includes his quotes about his personality and career as well as his comments on Messi and Ronaldo.

Arjen Robben quotes about his personal life and personality

Arjen Robben was born into a family of football fans from Groningen in the north of Netherland. According to himself, He Used to played football since an early age. He is a true family person and has a close relationship with his siblings and parents. Robben has been in a long-time relationship with his high school sweetheart and current wife Joana Sanz. The couple married in 2007and have three kids together. The followings are Arjen Robben quotes on his own childhood, personality and private life.

On his childhood, parents and family

It was a big step for me in the Netherlands: to leave home at the age of 18.

I went abroad when I was 20, three years at Chelsea, a big club. Then two years at Madrid.

Football is my life, but my family's health is the most important thing in the world.

I guess my earliest football memories are of playing in the street and also the little pitches at school. I joined the local football team in my village when I was small, but we would play only once or twice a week. I honed my skills just by playing for fun with friends after school.

My brother-in-law and his football team had travelled all the way from Groningen to watch the game. It's a long way to come, so it was nice for them to be there. My family was there too. They've always supported me when it's been difficult, so it's even better when they are there to see me do well like I did today. (After Bayern's game against FC Koln in 2015)

At school I did a bit of athletics and the pace was always there, although it was never something I really considered as a professional career path. It’s strange because my parents were not that fast – my mum is quicker than my dad! It’s been a great weapon for me, however, and a lucky one, too – you either have it or you don’t. (From Robben's interview with FourFourTwo)

On his hobbies and preferences

Munich is a great city. I have lived in many cities in Europe, but I have never felt this comfortable, and my wife and children love it as well.

On his personality, Beliefs and objectives

I want to try to have fun as long as I can and play football at a high level. I do not know how long that will go on.

We have to respect the opponents.

It is important that it - sometimes there are clashes between team-mates. We need each other to tell the truth, and this is not always a positive.

There's always so much to improve, no matter your age.

If you're at school, children who play football, you give everything to win... If you don't succeed, that's a huge disappointment. Then it's okay to be sad, but better times are coming.

The older you get, the better you get to know you body.

If I ever spat at an opponent, I'd never be able to show my face to my family ever again.

You need to be very critical of yourself. There are a few very good managers who can make players better individually. Most managers think about the team process - and so you have to improve things on your own. Every manager has a certain influence, and it depends whether you're 18, 25, or 30. You need different things.

Football players have a great life, but we're only human.

You want to win all games, which means you want to win all cups and all prizes.

I had injuries, but I didn't get them on purpose.

I am not a daydreamer.

I will always be the first to admit when I have done something wrong.

Losing drives me mad. It hurts.

Maybe sometimes you are punished for honesty, but I always prefer to be honest.

I just know that I love football, and when I'm on the pitch, I want to win.

I enjoy working with the younger players and helping them to develop.

I'm not a player who will just sit and pick up my wages if I am not playing,

Arjen Robben quotes about football and his playing style

Arjen Robben is known to be among the best wingers of his generation. He has been praised for his pace, overlapping attacking runs, and technical skills. His distinctive style was cutting inside from the right onto his left foot to score beautiful curling shots. He reached the top level of football and stayed there for more than a decade. It is surely interesting to have a look at the

top quotes by

Arjen Robben

about football and his own playing style.

On football

The most important thing is to stay down to earth and keep concentrating on the next game.

The Champions League is very difficult - there are so many big teams in Europe, and one bad day, and you can be out.

As a team, you always need to show something extra in the Champions League.

Every game is a new battle.

If you want to achieve something and have results and win competitions at a high level, you have to defend as a team.

The football in Spain is more about skill and technique. Every team tries to play good football. The physical side, with plenty of running and hard tackling, plays more of a role in the Bundesliga.

Every league has its own culture, its own identity, and its own type of football. It's very physical in England, but technical skill comes to the fore in Spain, where everybody wants to play beautiful football. The standards are very high in Germany, too; the teams are physically strong, very disciplined, and very well organised.

People don't understand how hard it is to be injured, not to be part of the team but to watch from the side. Only being able to watch is the hardest thing for any footballer.

Players come and go, and that goes for coaches as well.

I'm always a realist, and I know the world of football is fast-moving.

The kind of money English clubs have available to spend is unbelievable. They buy everything they can.

Every new coach is interesting.

The most important thing for me is to feel that young players want to learn on the training pitch. If they spend 10 hours sitting around playing PlayStation, that's their business.

A break in the middle of the season is good for everybody.

The best thing about football, and sport in general, is that if you suffer a big disappointment, then there is no better feeling than coming back the following year and doing well.

The history of football has always thrown up big surprises.

Some referees have to think about treating every player the same, even if it's Ronaldinho or another player from a Premiership club. It doesn't matter how good you are: you have to be treated the same.

I do not understand players going to China at the age of 27 or 28. Those guys are at the peak of their career. That is a waste, really. You only get one career. I sort of understand players who are already in their 30s.

In a top team, you always have very big competition between players, and for me, that's not a problem at all.

If you want to play dominant football, you need to get the ball, think fast, and play quick combinations in small spaces.

Nowhere in the world do supporters love their clubs more than in England. England is paradise to play in.

On his Playing style

If you never pass or dribble or go on the outside, cutting inside will stop working. You have to surprise opponents, keep them guessing. Doing the same thing over and over again without variation will not work.

Even during a sprint, I can occasionally still accelerate. I am so fit that I can accelerate during a acceleration, like making a new start.

I'm a very explosive player and need everything to be right. I started working with an osteopath the last year I was in Madrid and have stayed with him.

Forwards do a lot of things intuitively.

Selfishness is a quality and not necessarily a bad thing.

A backheel is good if it works, not if it disrespects the opponents.

I always want to play. It is important to gain match rhythm.

I have lots of energy, but that doesn't happen like magic. I put in many extra hours in the gym and with the physios.

Attackers have to be selfish on the pitch occasionally, but it's important not to exaggerate.

I think that in each stage of your career, you need certain things to improve your game and to develop your style of play.

I don't know if referees look at me differently; you'd have to ask them. I hope everybody gets treated the same, but I know that it doesn't always happen.

I'm not a diver. I know that. 

I have two speeds. Fast and faster. I don't just run. I take it.

In my youth-team days, I was always a left-winger who would stay close to the byline and put crosses in the box, so I could never cut inside and shoot. It was only when I joined Real Madrid and started playing in a more central position, and then on the right wing, that I suddenly realised I had a really dangerous weapon.

I can’t do anything with my right foot but I’ve made it to the top. Modern coaches want young players to work on both feet, but I’m not so sure that's a good thing. Some players have got one very good foot, so you then have a question: Do you make that foot exceptional, or work on both and maybe just have two very good feet? Maybe players should focus on maximising the potential of their strongest foot?

To me, ‘the man of glass’ sounds like they thought I was weak. It had nothing to do with me being weak – it was just that I had a sensitive body at that time. I thought to myself, ‘I don’t break’ and thankfully I proved them wrong in the end. Maybe I had the last laugh. (on being nicknamed the man of glass- In an interview with FourFourTwo)

Top quotes by Arjen Robben about famous football players

In this part of our article on we will have a look at the top quotes by Arjen Robben about other football great stars including his comments on his coaches, Van Gaal, Guardiola and Mourinho.

On John Terry

He’s one of the greatest captains I’ve ever played with. The way he behaved and conducted himself on a pitch set an example to everyone.

On Louis Van Gaal

Van Gaal is the best coach I've had. We've got a very special relationship.

Van Gaal is the kind of guy who can really make individual players better.

Maybe Louis does have a golden willy.

On Jose Mourinho

When I met Mourinho, I was still very young, but mentally and tactically, he worked on me. He was really demanding: you could not take a step below your level.

If Mourinho loses 4-1, he doesn't sleep well.

When I came to Chelsea and worked with Mourinho, it was my first time abroad, so that was an important stage for me.

Jose is a winner and he wants strong players. I felt so much confidence from him when I was fit, but injuries created a bit of a struggle.

Mourinho was always very strong for his players, and you needed to deliver for him. For me, it was good.

On Pep Guardiola

I've been playing football for a while, but Guardiola really made me a better player. I was 29 when I started working with him, so I wasn't very young, but if you see the steps I made thanks to him, it shows you what he is capable of doing. Guardiola didn't just put me on the flanks but in other positions as well.

It's really amazing what Pep Guardiola has done at Man City.

What I will miss the most about Guardiola? His obsession with the game and his knowledge, which makes you a better football player.

When we are in possession, tactically, he is the best coach in the world for me. He works hard, watches a lot of games, and prepares us really well. Guardiola has the feeling for gaping spaces, and he already had that as a player.

On David Alaba

David Alaba has a very good left foot. He's scored some good goals and free kicks.

On Paul Scholes:

I am a big admirer of Paul Scholes, he is one of the best players of his generation.

On his amazing partnership with Frank Ribery:

I feel that we have got very similar minds, and that has helped create an incredible connection on the pitch. First of all we love the game, but we specifically like one-vs-one situations, as well as setting up goals and scoring them. We are very, very similar, and when we are together it’s not really a surprise that we’ve had so much success.

Arjen Robben quotes about Lionel Messi

Messi is in a different world. He is the best player in world football, without any doubt.

Arjen Robben quotes about Cristiano Ronaldo

He went to Italy to prove himself? Nah. I don't think so. He proved himself in England and Spain.. He doesn't need to prove anything now, Cristiano is already the Best in the World."

Best Arjen Robben quotes about his club and International career 

We wrap up our article with some of Arjen Robben quotes about his club and international career. Robben played at some of the best football clubs in the world, Including Bayern Munich, Chelsea and Real Madrid. His best spell was his decade-long spell at Bayern Munich, while on the international level, He was superb for the Netherlands in the 2010 and 2014 World Cups.

On his professional debut with FC Groningen:

I remember my mum called me two or three times while I was in class. When I rang her back she told me Groningen had called and that I was in the squad that weekend. It came out of the blue and I wasn't expecting it. I'd never even trained with the first team but the coach put me on the substitutes’ bench. My friends were really happy for me. It was also quite strange for them to see me playing on the television and then read about me in all the newspapers. (From Robben's interview with FourFourTwo)

PSV Eindhoven:

When I came to PSV, I signed when Eric Gerets was coach there.

After my debut as a pro for Groningen, I was at Eindhoven for two years.


If you play at a world-class team like Chelsea, you have to perform every day.

Playing United is the sort of thing that really gets the best out of me.

I think I had a positive development at Chelsea. I was very young when I arrived, only 20, and the problem I had was injuries.

In my period at Chelsea, I was sometimes the one who switched sides because we were playing with two left-footed guys on the wings with myself and Damian Duff.

I never had problems with injuries as a kid or in the youth team. My injuries started at Chelsea, when I broke my foot during a pre-season game. That was just pure bad luck, but after that, I had some muscular injuries, too, so I had to get to know my body better.

It was difficult to leave because I had a great time in my three years at Chelsea and I made a lot of friends. There was no time to say goodbye because the deal was closed on the Wednesday at 10 o'clock in the evening and the following morning I had to fly. If I have one day off I would want to come back and say goodbye because to the fans I owe a big thank you because they were always good to me. In my three years I won all the prizes there are to win in England.

On his time at Real Madrid:

I had some very good years at Madrid.

On his time at Bayern Munich:

The best and most important step of my career was when I moved here - and Louis van Gaal brought me from Madrid to Bayern. It was the best move of my career, and it's thanks to him.

The appreciation between Bayern and I has always been there, from both sides. I know what I have at this club, and I always say that.

Bayern Munich are a team that absolutely have to play in the Champions League. I have always said that I do not want to play in the Europa League. I really don't see myself in the Europa League and don't want to play in it. I couldn't care less about winning the trophy.

I want the good players of other clubs to stay in the Bundesliga. Since I've been at Bayern, I have seen the Bundesliga grow.

I've achieved everything in my career that I set out to - with the Champions League as the crowning glory.

Bayern had no international success in the years before I joined, and my goal was actually to play at the best possible level, which would have meant winning the Champions League.

Always, if you win prizes and are successful, of course expectations are higher, at Bayern especially.

Statistically, I've done my best work at FC Bayern. I just feel really good here.

It was a huge low point for me and very disappointing for everyone. We were in our own stadium and went 1-0 up with seven minutes left. Unfortunately they equalised and then I missed a penalty. They were the first ones to miss in the shootout, too. When you miss a crucial penalty it’s very, very hard, but you have to recover from that. We recovered very well the following year and proved that we were still a great team at Wembley.  (On losing the UCL final against Chelsea)

Before the third final against Borussia Dortmund in 2013, there was incredible pressure. While my mindset was very positive and I was convinced we would win it this time, at Wembley, I was also thinking, ‘I can’t play in three Champions League finals and lose all of them’ – nobody wants that label on their career! Everyone would have said, ‘He achieved a lot of things, but didn’t win the Champions League’. (On winning the UCL final against Borussia Dortmund)

It was like the script for a film or a book. I missed a penalty against Chelsea the previous year, and then 12 months on I scored the winner. I believe it’s a great example of the sort of character needed to achieve success in sport. If you have a massive setback, you always have to stand up and fight back, and I did that. (On his title winning goal against Dortmund in the UCL final)

On his international career with Netherland National Team:

He has to send [Puyol] off and give a free-kick, for me, it is very clear – after such a game when you sit in the dressing room there is only talking about the referee, and I think that’s a bad point. If you play a World Cup final, you need a world-class referee. I don’t know if that was a world-class performance from the referee.

You can always say, 'What if?' But in the moment it goes like that. You have to decide what to do in one split second. And you will never know. The people in Holland, full of emotion, they say, 'What would have happened if he had scored that goal in the final?' But there was still half an hour to play and you never know what was going to happen. Spain could have still attacked and scored.

I had a big chance to win the World Cup when I was one-on-one with Iker Casillas, and if I had placed the ball three centimetres higher then it would have gone in. After the match, I thought maybe I should have gone round him, but when I saw it again, I felt I’d made the right decision. Casillas decided to go down to his left and then stuck his leg out, as he didn’t think I was going to shoot. If I had the same opportunity again, I would still try to finish it the same way, except three centimetres higher! (On his missed chances against Spain in the 2010 World Cup final)

The one at the end was a penalty, I was fouled. At the same time I have to apologize in the first half I took a dive and I really shouldn't do that. That was a stupid, stupid thing to do but sometimes you're expecting to be struck and then they pull their leg away at the last minute. (On his famous dives in the game against Mexico in the 2014 World Cup)

Arjen Robben farewell message after retiring from football:

Dear football friends, I have decided to stop my active football career. A very difficult choice. I want to thank everyone for all the heartwarming support!

So here was our article on the

Arjen Robben quotes

. Which part did you like the most? Any quotes you want to add to the list? Let us know in the comments section.

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