Thu 20 January 2022 | 11:44

Venezia to request postponement of Inter match

The outbreak of Covid-19 has caused a lot of trouble in holding meetings in Europe.

Following the Covid-19 test of ten


players, the team's match against

Inter Milan

is in doubt.

Venezia, who have been promoted to Serie A this season, now have 14 players with Covid-19 and will face Inter on Saturday. However, due to a new protocol set by the Italian government, Venezia has requested that the team's game against Inter be postponed.

According to the protocol, if 35% of a club's players test positive for Covid-19, they can request a postponement of their team's match. The protocol is based on the presence of 25 players in a club, so that if nine players have Covid-19, the club can make such a request.

Venezia club have not yet announced whether the people who tested positive are players or the club's technical staff.

La Gazzetta dello Sport claims that eight players on the team have been infected, which means that if another player becomes ill, they can request a postponement.









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source: SportMob


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