Fri 22 January 2021 | 10:41

Martindale can lead Livingston to the title - Emmanuel-Thomas

The English striker believes that Livingston can reach the Bertfred Cup with their boss.

J. Emmanuel-Thomas believes that new


manager Davy Martindale can make the team a significant success.

The Livi striker played for Arsenal from 8 to 21 under Arsene Wenger but could not find a place at the club. Now he has made a comparison between his former and current manager, and before the crucial match in the semi-finals of the Bretfred Cup, he claimed that Martindale could bring Livingston to the title.

He said:

“Martindale is a lot more vocal. A lot more hands on. Arsene Wenger was more a mind person and would speak with you personally. Close contact where no-one else could hear what he was saying.

“Whereas Davie, if he spoke now from his office, we’d hear him on the pitch.

“But Arsene Wenger was not the voice at Arsenal, Pat Rice was the voice.

“Each person has their voice. Foxy (Liam Fox, Livi assistant boss) has come in and he seems to be the more hands-on, speak-to person and Davie is the voice, so it’s a good balance which helps the boys.”

“It’d be great for Davie to go on and lift a trophy,”

said Emmanuel-Thomas

. “He seems to enjoy it here and the boys are performing for him, so I couldn’t see anything changing anytime soon.”



source: SportMob

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