Fri 07 January 2022 | 7:30

Gary Lineker Quotes, a complete collection

A look back at the greatest Gary Lineker quotes including his comments on football and the biggest stars of the game.

Gary Lineker is former English player who is currently working as a sport broadcaster. Widely considered as one of the greatest forwards of all time, Gary Lineker started his playing career at Leicester City. He also had two amazing spells at

FC Barcelona

and Tottenham before retiring at the MLS with Nagoya Grampus. Internationally, Lineker scored 48 goals in 80 games. He has the third-best record in the history of the England national team. (Behind Wayne Rooney and Sir Bobby Charlton.

During his illustrated career, Lineker won many major title at the club level including the Copa del Rey with Barcelona and The FA Cup with Tottenham. Individually, His biggest achievement was winning the 1986 World Cup Golden Boot, where England finished fourth.

Lineker became a sport broadcaster after retiring from football and has had a very successful career. He is truly among the most influential players in the history of the beautiful game. In the following article we present you with a complete collection of

Gary Lineker quotes


Best Collection of Gary Lineker quotes

We present football fans with the Best collection of Gary Lineker quotes which includes his quotes about his personality and career as well as his comments on Messi and Ronaldo.

Gary Lineker quotes about his personal life and Personality

Gary Lineker was born into a family of football fans from Leicester. He became a fan of Leicester City since his early years and later started his career with the Foxes. He has a younger brother with whom he used to play in his childhood years.

 Lineker has had a controversial love life. He has married and divorced twice and has four sons from his first marriage. It is certainly interesting to know more about Gary Lineker quotes on his own childhood, personality and private life.

On his childhood, Marriage and kids

We have got too many kids around the house to have a romantic meal at home. But Danielle is a fantastic cook. She does a brilliant lasagne, great roasts and a great chilli dish. She knows the way to my heart.

The competitive nature of most mums and dads is astounding. The fear they instil in our promising but sensitive Johnny is utterly depressing. We need a parental cultural revolution.

Ooh, it's too embarrassing to share my innermost romantic secrets - although I have written Danielle the odd poem. If anything they are more comedic than romantic. They used to be well-received but that was before she started studying Shakespeare at drama college. Now I feel so inept.

My eldest son George had acute myeloid leukaemia when he was a tiny baby, he is now 20 and doing very well. He is a mini-miracle in many ways.

My fiancee's brother-in-law was recently paralysed in an accident and it really brought home the fact that thousands of young people live with spinal injuries. It's an issue I wish had more coverage.

My wife Danielle and I love travelling, different cultures and good weather.

On his hobbies and preferences

It's nice to have the power of Twitter to correct things that were incorrect.

Twitter has been a godsend for travelling.

I've quite often written tweets that I think are across that line, but I just delete them.

There is Twitter outrage at everything. Be it a pair of trousers or a short skirt, somebody, somewhere, will not like it.

I've got about 5 million followers on Twitter, and if I tweet anything, there will be faux outrage.

Twitter is an amazing thing; it brings footballers closer to the fans because so many of them are on there. I was cynical about it to begin with, but I have been converted.

I'm disappearing from twitter for a while. Need a break from the bile. Local prejudice just seems to bring out the worst in some people.

I was quite good at football once, although other than that my speciality would be maths. I'm great at sudokus and find all the spin-off games pretty easy too.

I don't think there was a definite day, but it would have been around my mid-20s. I was always interested in the media side of things. When we travelled with England away, or to World Cups, I used to sit with journos while they wrote their copy.

I know I could never be in a pop band. I honestly have an appalling voice.

I don't feel that I'm particularly political. I'm interested in politics; I'll express my view if I feel strongly about something, but humanitarian issues, I think, are slightly different.

Being called Gary. It's a crap name. I wish I'd been called by my middle name, Winston.

Basically, Walkers are putting real produce into their flavours, so the cheese and onion flavour is actually cheese and onion rather than just flavourings.

I've now been in over 100 adverts for Walkers, and we've had a lot of laughs along the way.

I'm more of a 5 Live man. But I might listen to a bit of Coldplay or The Smiths.

In terms of politics, I just look at people's policies, and sometimes I agree with something, sometimes I won't.

When I see old photos of me on the beach I don't look too bad... but it's hard trying to breathe in for such a long time when I spot the photographers!

We are in the the entertainment business, and we all know if you are top of the tree, you get big money.

Ferrari or Lamborghini. Never fancied one of those - too flash for me. I don't really like seeking too much attention.

I generally have a brand of brief on every day.

On his personality, Believes and objectives

In terms of aesthetics, I probably look better than I did when I played.

As footballers, you just grow up with people from different backgrounds and different colors of skin.

I try to avoid saying 'fantastic' too often and 'obviously' is a dangerous word for all broadcasters.

I just think to be a manager you've got to live and breathe and have this incredible enthusiasm for football, the whole thing. And while I love the game, and it's been a large part of my life, it's not the only thing in my life.

It's really hard for kids nowadays: you can get a decent education, but there are no jobs out there. You worry about how they are ever going to afford to live anywhere.

Presenting football is something that I love to do. I'm very fortunate being able to do one of the BBC's flagship shows.

People make mistakes. They say stupid things. I've heard things said on football pitches that players clearly don't mean, whether it's racism or just an abusive comment in the heat of the moment.

Some players are quite homely, and they don't see themselves going abroad; others would relish the challenge. I can only speak personally, but I always wanted the challenge, and to go and live in a place like Barcelona was great.

I know I am extraordinarily lucky to be doing what I am doing. I have worked hard along the way and I have been blessed too. I have had a great life.

Looking at the way the game is played, I'm envious of the conditions. We played on some ropey World Cup surfaces. I genuinely never look back and wish I earned the money they do today, but I do think of that element.

I think if I'd ever had any skeletons in the closet, they'd have been out a long time ago.

If I hadn't have been good enough at football, I'd have been a sports journalist - which is what I do now anyway. Or a cricketer. I might have been a cricketer.

The truth is I don't feel too bad for my age. I actually have a better shape now than I used to.

I think people come and go, 'I'm going to find the real Gary. What is it... the real Gary? I've got to find it.' But the thing is, it's pretty much what you see is what you get. I'm just like this. There's no hidden viciousness.

This is ludicrous. Seven- and eight-year-olds valiantly trying to cover the same acreage as those grown-up chaps in the Premier League is absurd. To add to the lunacy, a little goalkeeper, barely out of nappies, has to stand between posts that are eight strides apart - adult strides - and under a crossbar more than twice his height.

Playing football and presenting TV are totally different things, but there are similarities: it's exciting, it can go well, it can go badly... the difference is when presenting goes badly, it doesn't really affect anyone's life, whereas when you have a bad day on the pitch, it affects people's moods for a whole week.

I'm not that moody. I don't have big ups and downs.

What you learn is that you can't please everyone all the time.

When Bob Wilson left the BBC for ITV, I got the 'Football Focus' job, and it went from there. It came completely out of the blue, but the fact I had a high profile certainly helped.

If somebody in the crowd spits at you, you've got to swallow it.

If you are at the top in entertainment, you earn money that you can never justify to ordinary people doing proper jobs. You can't.

On TV, if you fluff your lines, nobody gives a toss. But if you fluff a penalty in the World Cup, well - we all know how much that matters.

In all sports, people get competitive; things happen that shouldn't happen.

I've only got a Saturday job so my weekdays are generally pretty free.

This whole science thing of working out if players are a little bit tired just gives you an excuse to leave them out.

You cannot get involved in debate on 'MOTD'. You can do it on Sky because they've got hours and hours. We've got a couple of minutes. It's a very disciplined show. Our primary purpose is to show the action, and the analysis is very secondary. We have lots of people who would prefer no analysis. We have lots of people who would prefer more analysis.

It would be more weird if people didn't stare at me or shout at me.

I think the important thing we have to remember about football in this country is that it is very vibrant, and it's very good to watch, not only in the flesh but also on TV, because our stadiums are full.

You've got no chance of reaching the top if you're just playing for money.

Gary Lineker quotes about football and his playing style

Gary Lineker was known for his finishing ability. He was one of  the most deadly goal scorers of his generation. As a player, He experienced the highest level of club and international football. He also became one of the best Sport Broadcaster after his retirement from playing. With such a background, it is certainly very interesting to have a look at the

top quotes by Gary Lineker

about football and his own playing style.

On football:

People have no idea how hard football is, absolutely no idea. It's all about pace. You can say, 'Yeah, you've got speed of thought' - but you've got to have a little bit of a zip.

Kids are learning to play. That's why we're seeing an emergence. That's why we're seeing the Under-17s and Under-20s doing better in international football.

That's what being a footballer is, really: you train at this time, you finish at that time, then you do that, then you go home, then you're not allowed out, then you do this... there comes a point in your career - about thirty, thirty-one - when you get a bit sick of being screamed at.

I know people think that a lot of sports stars are a little bit up themselves, but they all have their heroes, too.

So here was our article on the 

Gary Lineker Quotes.

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