Tue 07 December 2021 | 5:30

Ada Hegerberg Quotes, a complete collection

A look back at the greatest Ada Hegerberg quotes including her comments on football and the biggest stars of the game.

Ada Hegerberg

is a Norwegian soccer player who is currently plays for Olympic Lyonnes football club and Norway women's national team. Widely considered as one of the greatest stars of all time in women's soccer, Hegerberg is the first woman player ever to be awarded the Ballon d'Or, which she won in 2018. She has been the voice of women's football and the equality movement in recent years.

During her illustrated career, Hegerberg has won almost every major title at the club level including 6 Division 1 Feminine, 5 Coupe de France and 5 consecutive UEFA Women's Champions League. Hegerberg was a member of Norway national team for almost 7 years and scored 38 goals in 66 games. She was the star of the Norway side who ended as the runners-up in the 2013 UEFA Women's Euro.

Besides winning the first ever women's Ballon d'Or in 2018, Hegerberg has won many other top individual awards. Some of the most important of them are UEFA Best Women's Player in Europe (2016), Norwegian Sportsperson of the Year (2016) and UEFA Women's Champions League Best Goalscorer (2016 & 2018). She is also the record holder for most goals in the UEFA Women's Champions League (53) and most goals in a UEFA Women's Champions League season (15).

Hegerberg is truly among the most influential players in the history of the beautiful game. In the following article we present you with a complete collection of

Ada Hegerberg quotes


Best Collection of Ada Hegerberg quotes

We present football fans with the Best collection of Ada Hegerberg quotes which includes her quotes about her personality and career as well as her comments on the Women's football and the equality movement.

Ada Hegerberg quotes about her Character and personal life

Ada Hegerberg was born into a family of football fans from Molde in Norway. According to herself, everyone in her family used to play amateur or professional football. Both of her parents were former players and her father was her first coach.

Hegerberg is a true family person and has a close relationship with her siblings and parents. She has been in a long-time relationship with her current husband,

Thomas Rogne

, who is also a professional football player. The two married in 2019 and have no kids. It is certainly interesting to know more about Ada Hegerberg quotes on her own childhood, personality and private life.

On her childhood, parents and husband

I come from a little town of 7,000 people, and everyone in my family played football.

When I was 15, and I just stepped on the A-team, I believed in myself, but I wasn't cocky in any way. I just wanted something so badly that I could tell people around me that were ten years older that they had to play and perform. I would still say that I had respect.

My father and my mother were professional footballers and have also been coaches.

My sister plays for PSG. My brother played, too, but not professionally. So I had no choice!

I always used to play with the boys and loved it. You never asked yourself the question if there should be a difference between a boy or a girl.

I remember, when I was young, I had idols who inspired me to go for my dreams, and I just want to give the same back.

When I was little, I always loved scoring goals.

We started laughing, then we started crying, then we started laughing again, It was a tremendous night, It was joy, harmony, humor, everything. (

On how she celebrated winning the Ballon d'Or with

her husband


On her personality, Beliefs and objectives

My biggest ambition is to maximise the potential in me. To see how far I can push it as a player at the highest level; that’s something that motivates me.

Football is my biggest passion in life, and I've worked really hard to get here. It's so important to me, so I can't sit and watch things not go in the right direction.

I think Together #WePlayStrong is a big step for football. This project is about building interest and professionalism and making younger women want to play football at a high level.

When you first win a trophy, you want to do it again and again. It keeps you hungry.

When you get world-class investment, you get world-class results.

Please, believe in yourself!

I expect if people have had a problem with me or my attitude, then they come and take it directly with me, face to face.

It was tough at so many camps. I have been broken mentally, it has been a deeply depressing feeling. I had nightmares after being with the national team, you shouldn't have things like that. If you want to get anywhere in life you have to make choices.

If you want to get anywhere in life, you have to make choices. Sometimes you need to make difficult choices. When you're quite sure about yourself and the values and where you want to go, it's easy to make difficult choices.

It can be tough to stand alone for something you believe in.

The way I work, I always ask myself, 'What did go well this year, and what do we need to work on?' I always have a plan in my head.

Winning all these trophies and having all this success gives you a voice.

I know what I want and know my values, and therefore, it's easy to take hard choices when you know what the ambitions are and what values you stand for, so it's all about staying true to yourself, be yourself.

I just think you need to believe in yourself - be offensive, but still have some nervousness in your body before any important game.

I think when people ask me, 'Who's your favourite player?' it's hard for me to answer.

A lot of people talk about records, but you can get lost as a player if you think too much about them.

You can only have a short sight because things change a lot. You can't plan what the years will bring.

I think more about preparation than numbers. If I'm well prepared, there will be results.

That's what defines the best athletes: being capable of showing up year after year at the highest level.

I know I have a voice, and I want to use that voice as much as I can to bring things forward.

Most of the days I'm positive. I promise. And then I have days where I'm just -- I feel hopeless. It gets to a point where you get so furious that you just wanna scream it out there, ya know? And I understand women who are furious today because there's so much to be furious about. (From the documentary film "My Name Is Ada Hegerberg")

Being a part of the boys' environment, you were allowed to be angry if you lost and pissed at training," Hegerberg said. "That willingness to win, I really liked that. Why is it that you have some expectations [for] girls and some other expectations [for] boys? We are the ones responsible to break all the stigmas about young girls. I think we're made for much more than that. (from Hegerberg's interview with ESPN)

Wherever you play, you just want to have fun.

On the pitch, I can be really fearless. It's all about performing, and I forget about everything else. When I step off, in real life, I can be a different person. I can feel vulnerable sometimes.

I don't think too much about how many goals I'm going to target. I work really hard and prepare really well for the season to come... I know when I'm well prepared, when I've worked hard, the results will come.

Ada Hegerberg quotes about women's football

Hegerberg is one of the biggest role models in women's football. She has had a massive media impact over the past years and is known as a gender equality and sustainability activist. She is widely considered as the number one spokesperson for her sport and has given numerous interviews gave for women's football. The followings are the

top quotes by Ada Hegerberg

about women's football and the issue of equality between the sexes.

it’s just very important to keep women’s football in the discussions at all times. There has been a great development in the last years; it’s had a good rhythm, and it’s very important that we don’t take two steps back again after a crisis like this because we’re not the first priority. We just have to keep the voice strong and not lose our position. It’s such a strange situation to be in so it’s very hard to say where it will go but we need to push for the same evolution that we’ve seen in recent years.

Every player needs to use their voice to shake up things.

I could speak for hours about equality and what needs to change in football and in society as a whole. But in the end, everything comes back to respect.

I have a lot of admiration for people who stand up for what they believe in and who actually use the voice for good. That’s what I’ve tried to do, to stand up for what I believe is good for the women’s game. I think we need to stand up together and for each other and support each other. That’s why I think that Megan Rapinoe should be respected by footballers around the world, because she’s taken a beating for all of us and for the game and we need strong voices like that. The more voices you have, the more impact you can leave on the sport.

If each woman stands up and uses her voice, imagine how many voices would be together and how strong a mass that would be.

Norway has a great history of women's football, but it's harder now. We've stopped talking about development, and other countries have overtaken us.

Football is the biggest sport in Norway for girls and has been for years, but at the same time, girls don't have the same opportunities as the boys.

We live in a world where equality is the most important thing.

Playing football can be damn harsh, but every day is a fight for equality.

It's impossible to play football in a world among men and not fight for equality.

I never considered myself less worthy than a man in football. Never. Never, never, never.

It's great that we all talk about investment, but there needs to be action behind it as well. If we don't push for the change for women's football to go in the right direction, then it won't come by itself.

What I think is important for us as players is to always stay on our toes and be critical to everything being said.

It's great that we all talk about investment, but there needs to be action behind it as well. If we don't push for the change for women's football to go in the right direction, then it won't come by itself.

We work just as hard as any footballer, period. We go through the same experiences and heartaches. We make the same sacrifices. We leave our families behind to chase our dreams, too.

It was very important to get it out there that this isn't about a coach or a team, It's about a culture change. It's about a federation that's functioning in such an old-thinking way. It took a train back to the 1800s and stayed there.

I'm following closely everything happening in the world of football, but I'm not part of the system anymore, so it's very hard for me to say.

I felt there were so [many] things missing, I didn't think the bar was put high enough. I tried to speak about those matters, but when that didn't go well, I tried to lower my voice and fit in the system. That didn't work, either. Then you're left with one choice. You stay in the system and you're not you or you make a choice and move on. It's as easy as that -- also as difficult as that.

The more and more people you have speaking up, wanting to move the sport into the right direction, the more impact it can have. But it's always a very tough task and a very sensitive thing, because everyone wants to play for the national team and speaking up is not an easy thing. Some side of myself, after everything I've been through, understands that [some] people play on. I have a lot of [respect] for that. (From her interview with ESPN)

Obviously, you want the message to be out in the right way, Not to be in an irritating way, but still in a way that people get drawn to it. You can analyze and try to communicate it in all ways possible, and in the end, people will be whining back at you [about] women whining.

It’s all about giving more and more women and girls a professional football life, with better conditions, better pitches, so we, in the end, can also give a good product. (From her interview with Priceless.com)

Football is going to suffer from this, the bigger men’s clubs are going to suffer, everyone’s going to suffer and obviously women’s football is going to suffer. I understand that men’s football is up for discussion first. We also benefit a lot economically from men’s clubs and we need their help, as well, to build a better product and take it to a place which we can benefit from ourselves one day. (From her interview with the Guardian)

But it’s just very important to keep women’s football in the discussions at all times. There has been great development in the last years, it’s had a good rhythm, and it’s very important that we don’t take two steps back again after a crisis like this because we’re not the first priority. We just have to keep the voice strong and not lose our position.

Best Ada Hegerberg quotes about her club and international career

We wrap up our article on Ada Hegerberg quotes with a look at the

best Ada Hegerberg quotes

about her club and international career.

On her successful career with

Olympique Lyon

I believe in staying loyal to your club. I’ve had the most amazing years at Lyon and I have another year of my contract. It’s impossible to say what the future will bring but right now I’m in my own rehab bubble trying to get back on track stronger for Lyon – I have scary plans for that comeback.

I'm just focused playing 100% as best as I can at my club.

I never saw myself as a women's footballer. Not when I was in my tiny village in Norway. Not when I was suffering in Germany. Not when I finally made it to Lyon.

That's the great thing with Lyon: we are such a competitive group of players, but we know each other so well, so what happens on the pitch stays on the pitch.

People wonder what you are going to do after you've won the Champions League three times? Win it again, if I can.

I’ve had the most amazing years at Lyon and I have another year of my contract. It’s impossible to say what the future will bring but right now I’m in my own rehab bubble trying to get back on track stronger for Lyon – I have scary plans for that comeback. (From Hegerberg's interview with The Guardian)

On winning the 2018 Ballon d'OR

In that situation, I didn’t take it bad, at all, I just said ‘no’ and turned because obviously I didn’t want to twerk in front of millions of people. So it was kind of like an ironic ‘no,’ and I had a laugh because I was there doing the Ballon d’Or, and that was the only thing I thought about.

(On the host's controversial question on whether she can twerk)

It was a historical moment for us all, I felt like I represented the whole game, all footballers, all women across the world and it was such a privileged position to be in. Obviously being the first, that was a game changer for our sport.

(From her interview with priceless.com)

The whole night should only have been about the football, but then it's a lot of headlines about this incident, That's why I kind of focus on, every time I do an interview or every time I'm in public, is to try to speak about my sport and not always about what's so bad about the conditions. I try to balance that, because in the end, I really wanna talk about performance and what's happening on the pitch.

(From her interview with ESPN)

On why she stopped representing


I was quite clear with them about what I thought needed to be better, I gave them the reasons. I wish my national team all the best. I love my country. I wish I could play for them. In this case, I had to move on.I had nightmares after being with the national team. You shouldn't have things like that.

(From her interview with NY times)

It could have been worked out so much better than starting a media war, In the beginning, I got a lot of criticism about not explaining the reasons, because I wanted to stay loyal [to] the feedback I gave to the federation. But how things developed, obviously I had to speak up because how [the federation] communicated was quite awful. And when I spoke up, I also got criticism. So in the end, there's no way around this.

On her recent knee injury

It gave this click sound. In a situation you’ve found yourself in 10 times, 10,000 times before. I felt my body shaking. It was a signal. But then I was back on my feet and I didn’t have any pain.

So here was our article on the

Ada Hegerberg quotes

. Which part did you like the most? Any quotes you want to add to the list? Let us know in the comments section.


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