Fri 24 September 2021 | 9:16

ECA claims FIFA’s World Cup plans are ‘destructive’ for club football

FIFA’s future plan for football is going to have a "direct and destructive impact" on the club game, according to the European Club Association.

ECA accused World football’s governing body of planning to ‘railroad’ with its controversial plans, which would have the World Cup played every two years.

FIFA was reminded of its "legally-binding obligations" to make sure clubs are consulted over the calendar for international match (IMC) by its powerful statement.


ECA has followed with grave concern and alarm FIFA's launch of active PR campaigns and much pretence, apparently seeking to railroad through reforms to the IMC, particularly the introduction of a biennial World Cup,

" the statement from the ECA, which represents 247 clubs across the continent, read.

The statement reveals that the European clubs and league do not agree with the plan, whereas UEFA also slammed FIFA over its lack of consultation.

Ex-players and coaches like Brazil's 2002 World Cup-winning striker Ronaldo, Peter Schmeichel, Tim Cahill and Avram Grant have talked about the virtues of the plan. The ECA believes FIFA is right about the need for IMC to be reformed as it was mentioned in the statement that a "modernised and simpler" IMC is required to be found or the release windows should be fewer, better player health and protection and the club and international football should be balanced.

The statement concluded:

"Given the centrality of the IMC to club football, and of club football to the IMC, ECA reiterates in the most unambiguous terms that any decisions relating to its future can only come about with the consent of football clubs, with player welfare at their heart - and in keeping with legally-binding obligations which ordinarily should not need restating.

"In short, the reform of the IMC must be founded on jointly-agreed outcomes, balanced in the interests of all, following honest and detailed consultation - not simply railroaded in the singular interests of FIFA on the back of a series of PR campaigns."

source: SportMob

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