Mon 17 May 2021 | 10:59

Pundits back petition for an independent regulator in English football

Famous pundits and former footballers sign an open letter to fans, urging them to sign a parliamentary petition to block future breakaway attempts by elite clubs.

Gary Lineker


Gary Neville


Micah Richards

, and

Rio Ferdinand

are among a group of former players and journalists who urge fans to sign a parliamentary petition calling for an independent regulator in English football. The elite clubs’ attempt to form the European Super League prompted the UK Government to consider a fan-led review into English football. The review will be led by former sports minister

Tracey Crouch

and it is expected to consider the need for an independent regulator.

The letter reads:

"As football fans, we were appalled by the attempt to set up a European Super League,

"It was a direct threat to the integrity of the game; destroying the concept of sporting merit and open competition.

"Supporters came together with one voice to oppose the cynical power-grab by a group of wealthy owners. The furious protests were heard and the breakaway fell apart.

"Now we must make sure this never happens again. Without swift and direct intervention, the return of a European Super League will be a constant threat.

"We welcome the fan-led Government review of the game and hope it leads to lasting change on an array of important concerns; including coordinated strategies to deal with racism, supporters' representation within clubs, LGBTQ issues, ticket costs and the distribution of income. All of those aims can be realised if we take decisive action now."

The Government's review will also consider using other ownership models, including the 50+1 system in Germany which ensures the majority ownership of a club remains in hands of its members.

source: SportMob

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