Tue 14 December 2021 | 11:21

Tottenham needs more aggressiveness with Conte - Saha

The Italian coach has had good results with the team since he was on the bench.


Tottenham Hotspur

striker Louis Saha believes Conte needs to convey aggressiveness in his team to get spurs out of the current fragile position.

The Italian has won many honors at






, but claims that Tottenham has been the biggest challenge of his coaching career. He took over a team that has fallen sharply and achieved their weakest result since the 2008-09 season. Prior to Conte, Mourinho and Nuno Espirito led the club, but failed in their mission. Now Conte has scored 10 points in his first 4 games and gives the team a bright future. However, Saha believes that he should strengthen the desire to be offensive in his team.

"I think that there are still a lot of things to be done in Tottenham. It's a bit similar to Arsenal. 

"They are fragile in terms of the squad. They are fragile in terms of consistency, whoever the manager.

"The manager is not playing. He can give you aggressiveness. But if the players themselves are not aggressive, you can't change them. That's their nature.

"Sometimes...you have great players, but they are too nice in some way. And they do not provide what you need to win tough games.

"I'm not saying that they need to be fighters. But I remember, for example, I was playing with Carlos Tevez, with [Ruud] Van Nistelrooy, with [Wayne] Rooney and we were all different, but I felt that they were very aggressive and sometimes I see the players some teams have, when you play away, you need that type of player.

"I don't know if there are enough players like that in such a squad. I'm not trying to compare, but I think it's an indication."









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source: SportMob

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