Fri 03 December 2021 | 7:30

Best Paul Scholes Quotes, a complete collection

A look back at the greatest Paul Scholes quotes including his comments on football and the biggest stars of the game.

Paul Scholes is former English player who is currently working as a caretaker and pundit. Widely considered as one of the greatest football stars of all time, Paul Scholes spent the entire of his career 20-years long career at Manchester United. He was the star of the famous Manchester side which won two Champions League titles (1999-2000 and 2007-2008).

During his illustrated career,

Paul Scholes

won almost every major title at the club level including 11 Premier League and 3 FA Cup titles, as well as the 2008 Club World Cup. Scholes was a member of the English national team for almost 17 years and participated in the 1998 World Cup. His first and only experience as the head coach was in 2019 and at his boyhood club, Oldham.

Scholes played over 700 career games and scored AROUND 200 goals. He has also worked as a pundit for BT Sports. Paul Scholes is truly among the most influential players in the history of the beautiful game. In the following article we present you with a complete collection of

Paul Scholes quotes


Best Collection of Paul Scholes quotes

We present football fans with the Best collection of Paul Scholes quotes which includes his quotes about his personality and career as well as his comments on Messi and Ronaldo.

Paul Scholes quotes about his personal life

Paul Scholes was born into a family of football fans from Salford at Manchester. He has a twin brother. According to himself, he became an


fan because his father could not afford a trip to the Old Trafford. Scholes is a true family person and has a close relationship with his siblings and parents. He has been in a long-time relationship with his current wife, Claire nee Froggatt. The two married in 1999 and have two daughters and two sons. It is certainly interesting to know more about Paul Scholes quotes on his own childhood, personality and private life.

On his childhood, Marriage and kids

An awful lot is made of me being an Oldham fan – and I am one – yet when I was a kid I was a United fan too, but my dad probably couldn’t afford to take me to Old Trafford. He was an Oldham fan and it was only 10 minutes up the road, so it was easier to watch them.

My ideal day is train in the morning, pick up my children from school, play with them, have tea, put them to bed and then watch a bit of TV.

On his hobbies and preferences

I like to watch batsmen who will entertain and, as things stand, an opening spell from Jimmy Anderson is about as good as it gets.

Saturday afternoon is the hardest thing. I can go out and watch games, but I'm constantly on my phone looking at results: what score is this, what score is that. You have no real involvement, but you're obsessed with it.

To go and watch Manchester United, whether it's home or away, is entertainment; it's goals - whether you concede goals or whether you can score goals.

It seems you can’t be a footballer these days without getting a tattoo. I don’t think I’ve ever acted big-time. I could never jump to the front of a queue or anything like that: I would be too embarrassed.

On his personality, Believes and objectives

I don't like compliments. No. I prefer criticisms; prefer to prove them wrong

It is very difficult for me to breathe when it's hot and humid.

I am quiet and shy around team-mates and friends too. To be honest, I don’t really enjoy doing interviews, but it is part of the game so I don’t mind too much.

Sometimes fear can bring performances out from you.

There were players I shared a dressing room with who didn't like each other. You don't have to talk to each other. You just need to win matches.

For my whole career, I concentrated on that cycle of games from August to May and being mentally and physically ready.

As players, we were paid to do a job we loved - in my case, at the club I supported. And nothing I did could be allowed to interfere with that. The manager would not have permitted it.

If you go down the leagues, you have to understand what level you're working with, and if you get frustrated, then it's not going to ever happen for you. That's why a lot of managers don't succeed where they should do.

If I was to become a manager, I would not want someone else to be signing the players for the team that my job depended on.

To continue playing late into your twenties in the same style that you once played as a teenager is not possible.

I would like to become a coach or a manager. I’ll start to do some coaching with the club, and see where that takes me. I’ll see if I enjoy it and if I’m any good at it.

Paul Scholes quotes about football and his playing style

Paul Scholes is known the most for his technical skills, accurate passing, intelligent movement and powerful shooting from long range.  Strength, He has also been praised for his attacking runs and ability to combine with teammates, as well as an excellent capacity to read the game and control the tempo of game. The followings are the

top quotes by Paul Scholes

about football and his own playing style.

On football:

The way a top team develops means that once you have won the league title, the natural step is to try to win the Champions League.

Managers live and die by their recruitment.

I don't know why anyone would want to be a goalkeeper. It is a hard position to do well.

A cup final is all about seizing the moment. You cannot put right a mistake or a missed opportunity the following week.

That is the issue with signing young players from other big European football nations - at some point, they will want to go home.

When a team is relegated, a new leader can help turn the page at a club.

Little details about young footballers catch your eye when you have been around a big club for a long time. At first, it can be minor things, like the way certain young players stand out from the group when the academy lads cross paths with the senior team on their way to training in the morning.

You have to be careful when you time a move to one of the biggest clubs. Occasionally, these young players do not realise what a good thing they are on to when they know that they will be playing every week.

There are times in the career of every young English footballer when they simply need to take their chance to establish themselves.

Our modern coaching culture is not to put too much pressure on any one performance, to let an individual flourish over time. At some point, a young player has to grasp the opportunity and make himself undroppable.

I knew the shirt-swapping business in general was getting out of hand when opponents would ask me for my shirt while we were still mid-match. Those are the wrong priorities.

Things change, although I believe that certain principles - of attacking, entertaining football - should always be protected.

It's the thing I miss about football, I suppose: being with the team day-in day-out, getting a team ready for a Saturday afternoon, or getting yourself ready for a Saturday afternoon - it's the most difficult part.

OK, so I never had a transfer in my career, but I used to love deadline day: Dimitar Berbatov turning up at Manchester airport with hours to go, Robinho coming to

Manchester City

instead of Chelsea.

I don't go looking for the post-match team pictures posted by players on Instagram, but usually, someone ends up showing them to me, or I notice them when they get printed in the newspapers. In my world, the dressing room was sacrosanct. The only time anyone was permitted to take pictures in there was when we had won a trophy.

If you want a measure of how private a place the dressing room was when I was growing up at Manchester United, consider this: even Sir Alex Ferguson would knock before coming into the dressing room at the Cliff, the old training ground. The dressing room is for the players - and the players only.

Modern managers have a lot of demands on them, and many feel, with justification, that they do not have the time to commit to watching the junior sides.

There is something about a cup final that brings out a different quality in a footballer. Do they have the courage to win a one-off match?

My view is that the signing of players should be a simple process. The chief scout identifies them, the manager decides who he wants, and the chief executive is dispatched to do the deal. It really is as simple as that.

On his Playing style:

As a striker, as I originally was, and then an attacking midfielder, it has always been my aim in life to embarrass goalkeepers: to dominate them, to force them into mistakes.

In the periods of my career when I stopped passing the ball forward or when I stopped looking for the risky pass that might open up a defence, the consequences were the same. The manager stopped picking me. I got back into the team when I went back to doing it the way he wanted.

I got sent off a few times in my life, but I never lost my head. I mistimed tackles, and I made mistakes.

Part of being a Manchester United player under

Sir Alex Ferguson

, perhaps the most important part of being one of United's attacking players was that when you were in possession, you had to take risks in order to create goal-scoring chances. It was not an option; it was an obligation.

The game changes so quickly, and you have to get yourself in a position mentally where you can deal with whatever is thrown at you.

As a player, I loved being tackled, whether it was in training or in a game. I took a full-blooded challenge as an invitation to do exactly the same thing to an opponent. I would wait for my opportunity and nine times out of 10, I would get him back.


Nobody has ever had to go off following one of my tackles and nobody has broken their leg.

Paul Scholes quotes on Messi and Ronaldo

In every generation, young football fans argue endlessly about who is the best player of the history of football. In our generation the debate is between

Lionel Messi


Cristiano Ronaldo

fans. Scholes played alongside Cristiano Ronaldo and against Messi many times during his career at Manchester United. He has praised Ronaldo and Messi in many of his interviews, although he has stated that to him Messi is the greatest player he has ever shared the pitch with. Here are

Paul Scholes quotes on Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo


Cristiano has to be at the top now, purely for what he has done this season. To score the amount of goals he has done from his position has been nothing short of amazing. It is not just that – it's his making of chances as well and the threat he poses to other teams.

Playing against Messi, as I've said before, is as tough a test of your concentration as any in football. At any moment, he can take the mickey out of you. Physically, it is demanding, but mentally even more so. You cannot switch off.

Messi is as famous as any footballer has ever been, and yet, when it comes down to it, we don't know much about him. I read that he is a family man and likes to walk his dogs, but beyond that, he's a mystery, really. I like that.

Let me tell you what it is like playing against Messi. You are up against a footballer who can take the ball either side of you, and you have no idea which side that might be from any hint about his body-shape.

My view is that you show Messi one side or the other, and if he goes past you, he goes past you. But if he slips it through your legs, then you have to obstruct him and take the foul. Just don't ever let yourself be nutmegged.

As a finisher, there are few players as composed as Messi. When you can score as many different kinds of goal as he can, you have every reason to be confident.

Elusive' is the word that immediately springs to mind when I think about Messi's style of play. You think you have an eye on him and then - blink - he has gone, only to reappear somewhere else in space, with the ball.

Top quotes by Paul Scholes about famous football players and teams

In this part of our article on we will have a look at the

top quotes by Paul Scholes

about other football great stars and teams, including his comments on Andrea Pirlo, Wayne Rooney and Sir Alex Ferguson.

On Andrea Pirlo:

Pirlo is a cool customer who does things in his own time. On the pitch, he just looks so relaxed, no matter what is going on around him. He is one of those greats who looks like he could run a midfield with a glass of red wine in one hand.

On Wayne Rooney:

I first remember

Wayne Rooney

from a game at Old Trafford in 2002 when he came on as a late substitute for Everton and, in a brilliant 15-minute performance, skipped past me on a couple of occasions.

People say that Rooney could have been like Lionel Messi, a more prolific goalscorer who dribbles past opponents more. But they are different characters. You will never see Messi snapping around the heels of an opponent to win the ball back deep in his own half. Wayne does that all the time, and sometimes that enthusiasm will count against him.

On Jurgen Klopp's Dortmund:

When I watch Jurgen Klopp's Borussia Dortmund side, I see a manager who is determined to play in his opponent's half, who is committed to attacking football, and, from the way he conducts himself on the touchline, is clearly an interesting, charismatic personality.

On Sir Alex Ferguson:

I played for 20 years for

Sir Alex Ferguson

, and he could be a scary man. You knew where you stood with Sir Alex Ferguson.

I worked with many great assistants to Sir Alex Ferguson over the years. Yet sometimes a manager's second-in-command is more suited to that role than any other. You confide in them - you tell them things that you would not tell the manager - and they are that bridge between the boss and the players.

There is no doubt that my former manager Sir Alex exerted an influence over some referees. He was the master of dropping a comment into his Friday press conference - for instance, how long it had been since we had been given a penalty, or the treatment meted out to a player like Cristiano Ronaldo.

On Erling Haaland:

I think Haaland is sensational, I think he'll be up there with your Ronaldo's and Messi's levels possibly from what I've seen so far.

On Bryan Robson:

When I started as a pro at United, I played alongside Bryan Robson in the A-team and later in the senior side. With Bryan, it didn't matter what level we were playing or which one of his team-mates got kicked. Within five minutes, you could guarantee that the opponent in question would be in a heap on the floor, courtesy of Bryan.

On Peter Schmeichel:

I am always loath to assign goalkeepers too much importance, but you have to make an exception for the greats.

Peter Schmeichel could make the goal look much smaller when you glanced up to hit a shot.

The best goalkeeper I played with at United was Schmeichel. He was a phenomenon in training, never mind on match days. He just never wanted to concede, and he would do everything to stop you scoring.

On Jose Mourinho:

We know Mourinho can win league titles - he is brilliant at it - but how long can he do it at one club?

On Real Madrid:

For any footballer who plays for Real Madrid in the modern era, the prospect of leaving the club must feel like a step down no matter where they go - but it does not have to be like that.

On Mauritsio Pochettino:

What I like about Pochettino is the way that he looks in control. He is in control of his players, in control of the way that they play.

On Paul Pogba:

From United's point of view, it is always difficult to tell just when a young footballer is going to mature into a first-class professional ready to play at the highest level, but the story of how Pogba slipped away from United has more than one strand to it.

At first sight,

Paul Pogba

was notable for his size and physicality, and when you got to know him, there was also a confidence about him.

There was no better manager at developing young players than Sir Alex. He knew just when to bring them in and take them out, and he believed in Paul Pogba. For once, in Paul's case, it did not work out. The timing was wrong, and the difference between expectation on the player's side and the manager's idea of his development did not match up.

Best Paul Scholes quotes about his club career at Manchester United

We wrap up our article on Paul Scholes quotes with a look at the

best Paul Scholes quotes

about his club career at his all-time club,

Manchester United


I was fortunate to play with so many wonderful footballers and under the greatest manager of all time, but I do believe that a club's ethos, the principles of how it plays, should outlive even the biggest individuals in its history.

I never wanted to lose my place in the United team, much less my place at the club. What went on beyond the pitch was none of my business.

At United, we never used to change our style much away from home. The aim was always to score goals and dominate the match.

St James' Park was always, in the course of my career, a great place to play football, for the wildness of the crowd and the no-holds-barred football that both my team, Manchester United, and Newcastle would play.

When I finally quit for the second time in the summer of 2013, I had accepted that this really was the end, and, having got over that, the move into retirement was a lot easier.

The first time I retired, only Sir Alex Ferguson and I knew that the last league game of the 2010-11 season against Blackpool was to be my final game at Old Trafford. I was a little bit sad, but I am not one for tears. The end of a career comes to us all, and there is not a lot you can do about that.

I was lucky enough to play at Old Trafford, and we always talked about the atmosphere on a Tuesday night, the special atmosphere you create, and the crowd is rocking when you go out for a warm-up.

Let me be clear: I am sick of having to criticise the club which I gave my life to as a footballer.

In my years at United, I witnessed some signings who, over their careers, transformed the fortunes of the team. From

Eric Cantona

, when I was an apprentice, to Dwight Yorke, Ruud van Nistelrooy, and Wayne Rooney. These were great footballers who became great United players.

At United, we like to have wingers who give the team width and pace.

As a midfielder at United, I had to pass the ball forward, and yes, it did not always work. It did not always mean putting a chance on a plate for the strikers. It was up to them to get on the ball and score goals. Was it easy? No, but we were playing for United. It was not supposed to be easy.

I suppose I should have realised that the very fact I was still playing for United at 38 years old was a sign that there was not enough pressure on us senior players from those coming into the side.

At United, my United, we had been honed into a ruthless team who played great football but, ultimately, were there to win football matches and league titles. At Newcastle, they could certainly play on their day, and the crowd was formidable, but there was a weakness - a vulnerability that you could seek out.

I got a winner’s medal in 1999, but I don’t feel like I won it because I wasn’t involved in the final, so to me I only won it once, in 2008.

I would never do anything to damage United, whoever the owners might be, and I am sure that no United fan would want me to do that.

We played 63 games in the treble-winning season of 1999, and I cannot remember feeling tired once. We won the league title with the last game of the season, and along the way, we knew that in any game we could miss out on this chance of a lifetime to win all three. We had 22 players who were ready to be called on at any moment.

United's history was built on attacking football, which does not always mean that the team kept clean sheets or did not concede chances.

United fans don't care if the team only has 40 per cent possession as long as they are watching an attacking team. My experience was that the supporters understood that even our best teams, even the teams with Peter Schmeichel or Edwin van der Sar in goal, were going to concede goals.

It goes without saying that no one at United ever expected any help. We understood that decisions can go against you. We believed we were the better team, and therefore, if the referee got his decisions right, then we would win the vast majority of our games.

When it came to playing Arsenal over the last eight years of my career at United, we always went into games against them feeling like we would win - and we usually did.

So here was our article on the

Paul Scholes quotes

. Which part did you like the most? Any quotes you want to add to the list? Let us know in the comments section.

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