Tue 13 December 2022 | 20:29

Facts About Aja Narie, Hakim Ziyech’s Girlfriend

Do you want to know about Aja Narie, Hakim Ziyech’s Girlfriend? We already know about the famous winger for Premier League club Chelsea. Now let’s learn about his hot influencer girlfriend.

Hakim Ziyech

is extremely private about his personal life. 

When Aja Narie revealed she was pregnant, there were a lot of comments on social media that questioned the nature of their relationship.  Hakim never formally admitted their relationship although the baby should have been born now.

There has definitely been something going on, according to what we know from a few sources. Over the course of almost four years, they have been frequently seen together at various times.

On her website, Aja Narie introduces herself as

a young mom, a supportive friend, a full-time influencer, a content creator, and so much more.

Obviously, there are many inspiring

facts about Aja Narie, Hakim Ziyech’s girlfriend


Facts you need to know about Aja Narie, the influencer mystery girlfriend

Aja is a popular figure on YouTube, and thousands of people watch her videos and follow her beauty instructions. If you are interested to know more about Aja Narie’s personal life, career, blog, and other things, read the following article.

 Quick facts about Aja Narie

  • Birthdate

    : April 9, 1996

  • Height

    : 163 cm

  • Education

    : Bachelors of Science at Drexel University

  • Partner

    : Hakim Ziyech

  • Profession

    : Influencer, Content Creator, blogger, and beauty advisor



Waukegan, IL, U.S

Aja Narie’s biography and career

Aja was born on April 7, 1996, in Waukegan, IL, the U.S. Her mother is American, and her father is Cambodian. When

Aja Narnie’s age

was 18, she had a daughter with the Philadelphia Rapper. She named her daughter Harper.

She then studied Psychology at Drexel University. Four years later, in 2018, she received her Bachelor’s in science. She was really proud of herself because managing to be a young mother and study through the demanding curriculum was challenging. However, she was able to find her way through it all. 

The year she became 22 was a very educational and difficult year for her. As was mentioned earlier, she was struggling to be a responsible mother and study, which is a fact about Aja Narie. Besides, her then-boyfriend and best friend passed away.

She had to spend some time with herself figuring out the path she wanted to take and what kind of person she wanted to be. Aja Narie also had to go through something she didn’t know how to go through.

Aja obviously needed some time to reevaluate her situation and face the reality of her life with courage. She wanted to be a better version of herself and, overall, a good person. The young influencer felt like her 22


birthday was a refresh button to a new beginning and one of the amazing facts about Aja Narie.

Afterward, she started taking full-time parenting because she was Harper’s primary caretaker. One of the most inspiring things about Aja Narie’s Professional life is that she had a very small daughter when she started her career as an influencer.

Aja Narie’s Instagram became a platform for her, and then she started her own branch on YouTube to post videos and create content. The content she makes centers around her daily life, parenting, fashion, and beauty.

She established her website in 2017, which was another turn in

Aja Narie’s professional life

. Her website has different sections. She keeps a somewhat regular blogging area. Some of her blogs are about beauty and fashion; while, others are life coaching advice.

She cares a lot about her day to day life and thinks every little thing in life matters. This belief system is projected in her blogs and videos that we discuss in this article later on. She currently lives in Amsterdam, Netherland. There is no documented information about

Aja Narie's Net worth or salary


Her social media

Aja Narie’s social media

is her workplace. Her Instagram account had 43.7K followers. She is working for a brand named


based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She advertises their products by posing pictures of herself wearing them, which is one of the facts about Aja Narie that keeps her well-known.


Aja Narie Instagram

is mostly professional, she sometimes shares some photos of her personal life. Here, you can see a picture of her taking her daughter to Walt Disney’s Magic Kingdom while wearing protective facemasks against Covid-19. There is also a video on YouTube about it.

If you are interested to know more, find

Aja Narie Instagram



. You can see her stories and visit the brand she’s working for pretty smoothly from there. We can say for sure that she is energetic and has a positive energy about her and tries to keep it up in her career.

She is active on YouTube, and it is her primary platform for sharing her videos and commentaries on subjects, such as makeup, Fashion, and personal blogs. Aja Narie

YouTube Channel

has over 41K subscribers, and this number is only rising.

One of the interesting Facts about Aja Narie, Hakim Ziyech’s girlfriend, is that she can talk super-fast! This feature is always visible in her videos and something that her followers appreciate so much about her.

 Which brings us to the following fact, which is her followers and fans adore her! They are in for her taste, for her air and attitude, and her great instructions on skincare and beauty.

Aja Narie blog

Aja Narie’s


is the highlight of her career. She has an excellent outlook and seems to act like a born and raised influencer. What is very important is Aja Narie personal life and her attitude towards it.

She dedicated a few contents to this attitude. One of these articles is called “I’m living my best life for real.” One of the facts about Aja Nari, Hakim Ziyech’s girlfriend, is that she is still in her twenties, figuring out the world and her life, and this could be double challenging for her since she is a mother.

Aja Narie’s age makes her situation very singular. In this blog, remarkably, she mentioned that she had started to realize everything she had missed out on. She is always trying to boost her parenthood.

She talked about becoming a mother before twenty and how her mother warned her that she would miss a great deal of being twenty because of the baby during her pregnancy. Consequently, she experienced the feeling very soon.

One crucial fact about

Aja Narie’s personal life

is that her life circles around her daughter, Harper. Sometimes she feels like she is stuck being a mum and missing out on everything her other twenty-year-old friends experience in the world.

Harper’s dad has always been around, but not until recently, Harper’s dad and Aja learned how to co-parent, and not be in a relationship. She realized that she is blessed with legit support and to have Harper’s dad around in their lives to support and appreciate their daughter is an incredible thing.

She called Harper’s dad, her best friend, and said she was thrilled to learn that she could manage the situation smartly, so her daughter could have two parents. For Aja Narie her family is essential, and she feels like she could do anything for her daughter’s happiness.

She spoke about co-parenting as something necessary for parents who are not in a romantic relationship. The key is a mutual understanding of the circumstances and to share the mutual goal of supporting their child the best they could. She again mentioned that she is figuring it all out, but so far, this is what she has learned.

One of the heartwarming aspects of Aja Narie’s Personal life is her friends. She loves them dearly and as her siblings. She is pleased to have people around her who become happy with her happiness and get upset when she is sad or in trouble.

She mentioned her best friends

Staphany and Christina, who play important roles in her happiness. She feels like life requires a particular acceptance. She believes that life is a good thing when you focus on the right things. And finally, she added, “I’m on my grown woman vibe, and I’m living my best life for real! Off and on Instagram. That’s goals”.

On the blog section of her Website, she talks about various subjects. Her goal is to highlight the ordinary side and to connect with her followers. She is very humble and shares everything she knows and learns on her blogs or other social media platforms.

There are always many responses to her posts, videos, and entries. It seems that she is popular among her followers and people appreciate her honesty and humbleness that we could consider as outstanding

facts about Aja Narie, Hakim Ziyech’s girlfriend


She cares for her followers deeply as well because she always mentions going through their responses and reviews their ideas. She has often created a particular item on social media due to numerous requests she had received before the post.

We are now about to review another entry she wrote on her Website, which shows amazing aspects of Aja Narie’s professional life. The entry’s title is “organizing tips and tricks.” Yes, you are right! She is highly organized, and she would like her followers to act organized as well.

This entry was written in the winter of 2019. Due to cold weather, she preferred to take her pictures indoors and significantly in her bedroom. To maintain an active status on social media and work effectively with the brand, she has to take many pictures of herself.

The indoor pictures and her bedroom raised her audience’s curiosity; therefore, they started asking questions about the decoration, tips on how to be as organized as her, and stuff like that. As attentive as she is toward her audience, she decided to dedicate this entry to this matter.

She began by explaining how much she hated clutter and untidiness. She suggested that when your house is filled with clutter, it may increase the possibility of anxiety. She referred to some studies that perfectly depict this notion and then concluded that when your surroundings are filled with clutter, it is actually a sign that your brain is occupied or you are on the verge of a lot of stress and anxiety.

To avoid facing anxiety, she tries to organize her items and belongings based on categories, such as size and function. Besides sharing her views on organization, she articulated her understanding of people being different from one another. So she understood if her style and habits drive some people up the wall!

Her modern and mature mindset, which could be the result of the sources she has read in university, has given her an inspiring outlook and is undoubtedly one of the best facts about Aja Narie. Her last entry, written in August of 2019, is about toxic relationships and how to value yourself apart from anything else.

She believed that toxic relationships are all around us in different shapes and sizes, and sometimes without realizing, we experience such relationships. And then, of course, suffer the aftermath of the consequences of our own actions.

Trying to identify the toxicity in your current and past relationships is essential. When you can tell which relationships are toxic, you gradually learn how to address them adequately, learn from your past mistakes, and reform yourself the best way possible for the future. Considering Aja Narie’s age, these are pretty great opinions, aren’t they?


She trusted that the most important relationship is the relationship that we hold with ourselves. What we should do is focus on ourselves, try to improve, and get stronger. If we wish to change the toxic ideology in our brain patronizing us since childhood, we need to understand the problem and then let them go.

She suggested that the toxicity in the family’s parenting in your upbringing could affect the state of your future relationships. In her case, Aja realized that she grew up feeling like she had to fight for attention continually. This tendency in her made her feel like she couldn’t connect with those around her, so she became isolated.

As in her relationships with her friends, she felt like she had to overcompensate everything and always make the extra effort to buy loyalty. In that way, Aja thought, she wouldn’t be lonely, and she would still be supported.

In the entry “Upgrade your life: Toxic Relationship + Choosing You,” she talked about her choice of men, which was almost always complicated. She constantly had to win them over and ignore her own feelings to satisfy her partners. Aja believes that her previous attitude towards men stemmed from her relationship with her dad.

A fact about Aja Narie was that a lot of negativity surrounded her. She didn’t feel like she was worthy of being loved for the person that she was. By getting close to her, people desired to take advantage of her or hurt her. These negative thoughts made her lonely and isolated from her family and friends.

Things somehow turned about her relationships when she was 23. She realized that she was not her memories of childhood and toxic relationships. She did not need to continually put herself on the line for others to love her and appreciate her. As we said before, Aja Narie’s age demands her to go through many changes that are closely connected to her personality and self-awareness.

She learned how to differentiate the side of herself that was rooted in her childhood demands that were left unattended. Aja tried to train her decision-making strategy to be pointed at herself. By doing that, she attempted to find inner peace, upgrade her life, and become a better version of herself.

Interestingly, these revelations about life and personal growth are universal issues. Many people in their twenties and early thirties are going through the same things. As she mentioned at the end of her entry, it is essential to learn from the past and forge forward with your acquired knowledge. This truth that she is proud of her journey is one of the Fantastic facts about Aja Narie.


Is Aja Narie really Hakim Ziyech’s girlfriend?

As mentioned before in this article, Hakim Ziyech, the famous winger for Premier League



, is an extremely private person, and it is hard to keep a record of the people he is dating. Often many sources declare him as a single man. It is challenging to keep track of a celebrity’s dating life, hookups, and flings when he keeps everything under the radar all the time.

Although, according to some sources, he hasn’t been in a relationship for the past few years, we have strong feelings about Aja Narie. According to many sources, they have been spotted together on many occasions.

Questions started to pour their way when Aja Narie announced her pregnancy for the second time. Because they have been spending time together, people wanted to know more about their relationship’s nature. However, Hakim Ziyech never confirmed anything officially.

We talked about Aja Narie’s toxic relationships and how he was not successful in her dating life. In her blogs, there is a trace of a man. She mentioned learning many things from him. Even though she also never confirmed his identity, we suspect that we know this mystery man. However, we can’t say that this information is a fact about Aja Narie, Hakim Ziech’s girlfriend.

Sometimes lack of documented information and the rumors poke our curiosity to know more, and we all love a happy ending. We provided you with all the information we had on this matter. Fact or fiction, we believe these two love birds are made for each other. What about you? Do you think that they are genuinely dating?


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source: SportMob

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