Thu 05 November 2020 | 11:54

Ince Tells Pogba to Move on

Former Red Devils talked about Pogba and his situation with Manchester United.

Paul Ince, one of

Manchester United

’s former midfielders, believes that though

Paul Pogba

was once a great performer on


ever since joining the Reds their hopes to see more of his strength and game have waned. The 27-year-old who joined Man-Utd for a £89 million deal is nothing but trouble says Ince and before Pogba hopes to sign for

Real Madrid

Ince believes that he needs to improve his game. According to the former Reds Pogba has to prove himself to Manchester United then decide if he is staying with the English team or heading to another destination.

Manchester United

have been struggling in Premier League so far sitting in the 15th position of the table.

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source: SportMob

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